Chapter 5

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Zoey's P.O.V

A couple hours went by since I had seen Elliot, and Mark had literally dragged me into whatever store I wanted.
But today was a Saturday, a work day and here I am staring at the mirror wishing work wasn't so
Well anyway life must go on!
I grabbed my bag and tied my hair into two scruffy pig tails before rushing out the door with a slice of toast in my mouth.
I hated the journeys to work, it was so long and tiring and sometimes it would lash from the heavens which guess what? Was not fun.
But today was different. The air was fresh and the sun was out. Birds were singing and I even spotted a couple of squirrels .

I could soon see the cafe mew and suddenly felt sick. Normally everything was okay but these past couple of days have been weird, I mean really weird. Elliot's being nice..yeah you get it now? That is WEIRD.

I reached the doors and I was actually early, I looked at my watch and it was 10 to 12, the cafe opened at 12 so I was ten minutes early.
That meant I'd have to be alone with Elliot again! No way! I stood awkwardly holding the handle not wanting to open it when suddenly it was pulled open and I was pulled forward with it onto someone. My face smashed against a hard chest and soon enough the person I had landed on was on the floor.
I put my two hands to the floor raising myself to see that it was Elliot.
Jussssstttttt great.
'Baka! Get of me!' He said fiercely
I blinked in surprise and was almost glad he was angry at me for once. I quickly rolled of off him and was lying on he floor like a complete idiot, whilst the tall blonde had got up and now offered me his hand.
I took it and he pulled me up opposite him.

'G-Gomen Elliot! I didn't see you and the door just ope-'

'Just save it, go into the kitchen and get dressed now. We have a long day and your clumsiness can't keep us back.'

Okay, he was back to normal and so was I. My temper rose and I poked him hard in the chest.
'It was your fault Baka! You shouldn't go opening doors when someone is trying to do the same!' I yelled and then pulled the most ridiculous face. 

He just stood their with that straight face that just annoys me even more.
'Baka-Baka-Baka-Baka-Ba-' I ranted on until he put both of his hands to my cheeks and pulled them as far as they could go until he let them slap back into place.

'OWEEEIEEEE!!!' I rubbed my red cheeks.  'You meanie!!!' I yelled in his face hitting his chest like a baby.

Yet again he just stood their, putting his hand to my head preventing me to hit him anymore.
'What would Mark think of you if he saw you now.?' He seemed to tease in a serious way.

I huffed at him but he seemed content for an answer so I gave him my best shot.
'Mark likes me for who I am! And if he saw you were bullying me he'd- he'd beat you up Baka!' I realised what I had said, that it sounded totally ridiculous but it was too late.

Elliot's serious expression seemed to lighten a bit more as he chuckled.

'What?' I huffed, taking his large hand of my head.

'Your little Mark might want to protect you from me, but he can't~' he whispered into my ear teasingly. It made shivers go down the back of my neck. I stood for several seconds as he lingered over me until I pushed him away from me and walked over to the kitchen to get dressed in a mood.

I know this was a very short chapter but I'm continuing after this onto chapter 6! Please vote and comment!


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