Chapter 7

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     I woke up next to Niall. I turned over to see it was 11:00 am. Everyone will be here in an hour.
"Niall!wake up." I whispered in his ear.
"Hm...oh hi baby" he said
"Everyone will be here in an hour babe." I replied
"Oh shit" he sat up "how long did we sleep jeez."
"I know" I said "let's go get ready. I need a shower so I'll be right out."
" can I come." Niall said with a smirk.
"No" I said bluntly. "Aw come on don't look at me like that Niall."
"But Kayla "he said
"I said no Niall" "fine" he said back
So I took a shower got ready. I was wearing a Rolling Stones crop top and ripped skinny jeans. I put on silver eyeshadow pinkish lip stick and eyeliner. Then I straightened my hobbit hair. They guys and their girls from one direction were coming, 5sos , and Dan and Phil with their daughter Brie. Everyone was here by 1:30.
"Hey guys I have an announcement" I said looking at Niall
" can I go first?" He whispered into my ear. "Yeah go ahead." I told him.
" but first...." He got down on one knee. I through my hands over my mouth and cried. "Kayla Rae Ellman will you do me the amazing honor of marring me....make sure your not on fire though?" He said with his own like twist.
I just nodded my up and down extremely fast. He stood up and hugged me.
"Yeah" "yay" came from all around the room. "Nice pons" Dan said.
"Thanks" Niall replied
"My turn!" I said " I'm....ok.....I'm pregnant." This is when Dan got wide eyed cause he was my half-brother.
"WHAT!" He yelled "YOU GOT MY BABY SISTER PREGNANT! HOW COULD YOU!" He yelled and Niall "Dan calm down." Phil told him " stay out of this Phil." He told him.
" Dan it's a two person effort... It's not just nialls fault." I said looking him right in the eyes.
"Hey get out of her face!" Niall said
"SHUT THE FUCK UP NIALL." He yelled "TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE THINKING!" He yelled at me and I started crying. " That's it I'm leaving" Dan said and stormed out. " I'm so sorry guys. He isn't normally like this." Phil told us holding Brie "no it's fine" I choked out through the tears. " no it's not Kayla he's just being the Dan no one likes." Phil tells me " well you better go and drive you guys home. I love you Phil bye tell Dan I said I love him." I will Kayla"
Well then.
"Soooo" I hear Harry say from the corner.
"Sorry guys" I said " I got to go. Um...see you guys later." I ran upstairs. Jumped on the bed and cried. This was my day and Dan ruined it. Why does he always do that. Make me feel the worst when I'm at my best. There's a knock on the door.
"Kayla?" It was Niall.
"Yeah" I said.
" I'm so sorry. I didn't know that was going to happen." He said with that Irish accent that makes me happy.
" I don't think anyone did. I just can't believe he would do that in front of everyone especially his own baby. I'm 20 I can make my own decisions." I said angered.
" I know baby it's gonna be ok." Niall said sitting beside me pulling me closer.
" we should get back to the party." I said
"About that...they all left to give you some time." He said. I felt a wave of sick come over me. I stood up and ran to the bathroom and Niall followed. He held my hair and rubbed my back.
" why does Dan have to ruin everything." I said after I brushed my teeth.
" he doesn't ruin everything....he introduced us." Niall said looking down.
" and that was the best day of my life." I said and kissed him. It was a deep kiss. A passionate kiss. One that you will always remember.
3 hours later

     I got a text from Dan.
D: I'm sorry Kayla 😓
K: no you aren't. Why did you do it?
D: I don't know I just couldn't think of the fact that my baby sister was having a baby. And it was Nialls.
K: So now you hate Niall
D: I never said that
K: You know I don't care bye Dan.
With that I was tried I just went to bed. A few hours later Niall came to bed. I feel asleep on his chest. I felt at home with him. I loved him.
I woke up to Phil calling me.
" what the hell Phil it's 3 am" I said
" Dan is in the hospital" he said
" what? Where and how! Niall wake up. "
"He was mad and he..." He was crying. " he cut himself and hit a vein and....please come Kayla please."
" we will be there in ten minutes."
"I love you Kayla" he said and hung up
"I love you too."  We ran to the car and raced to the hospital. We ran up to his room. And waited out side like we were told. Phil was there sobbing. " he might not make it." He told us. I found myself crying.
"Howell?" A nurse said.
" yes" we said
"Dan is........

CLIFFHANGER! Vote and comment. Sorry I had to spice up the story. Love you guys. Stay fabulous! Bye!

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