Thorne's graduation

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So I was just going to see what books were in my library and I see that I've already have one comment and 20 likes on something I only posted a few days ago so this is for you guys for being wonderfully amazing. By the way when ever I'm sad I read your people's comments and I'm instantly happy. Just putting it out there.

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady has posted on his wall:

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: cinder, change it back NOW


Cinder: change what? (:<

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: MY USERNAME AND GENDER

Cinder: don't insult cross-gender/gay/bi. They are people too. Kind, nice, people. (this is how I feel about cross/gay. I have very good gay/bi friends and get fuming if someone insults gay or cross)

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: I'M NOT!

Cinder: okay. now what did you want again?

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: for you to change my name back and gender

Cinder: please take it up with my best friend/secretary

Iko: HI

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: Iko go away

James: insult her again and we'll need a new captain

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: fat chance bucket head

James: *growls* I've got my eyes on you

Cinder: James, James, calm down. (iko there must be a glitch. fetch the screw driver!)

Iko: NEVER!!!!!!!!!

James: hide me!!!!

Iko: of coarse my love!

James: what?


James has been logged off by Iko

Iko has locked James' account

Iko: If I have to I will download him into the computer so we may never part

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: im scared

Iko: you should be (:<

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady has logged off.

Iko: I'll move his appointment to next month

Cinder has posted a message on Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady's wall:

Cinder: surprisingly Thorne passed all of his grades, except kindergarten, so we'll just say he's passed with exceptions


Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: NONE OF YOU HOLD POWER OVER ME!

Cinder: Thorne the costume will only fall off in front of other boys, because, no girl wants to see you wherein a bra

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!

Cinder: this is payback for Valentine's day! hope you like it *blows kiss, snatches it and crushes it under foot*

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: At least I am smarter than a kindergartner.

Cinder: um, about that...

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady: NOPE!

Hot-bad-boy-lover, red-head-lady has logged off

Cress: please tell me he's dumber than a kindergartner

Cinder: worse......

Cress: (:


Cress: >:( time to go make someone's IQ lower

Cinder: that's technically impossible'

Cress: *holds up book* try me

Cinder: I like how you think

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