Chapter Fifteen

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Rubadiri's POV

I got carried away. Why wouldn't I ?
To say that I loved this girl was an understatement, I adored her, worshipped her. In fact, I think I might be infatuated.
She was on my mind every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

"Sadiwe.", I muttered to myself as I laid down to rest for the night. I touched my lips, I swear I could still feel her soft, luscious, plump lips on mine as we made out in the garden. I had never felt this way before with anyone. Not even in my previous relationship with Zènanie, my ex girlfriend.

Heat.  I thought as I shook the thought off.
"Okay how about a midnight dip in the river? ", I asked myself .

I did decide to take the swim after all, I mean who was around to see me naked?
I took a cloth that I would later use to wipe myself off and headed straight for the river.
The environment was dark with a few lights from the palace. I couldn't help but pass by Sadiwe's window to check if she was asleep.  Maybe I could invite her to come swim with me.
To my dismay she was asleep, fast asleep.

Asleep, yet so so so so damn beautiful.  She squirmed on the mat and smiled. 
Heh she was probably thinking about me.
I smirked.  My girl.

I was hesitant to leave her window but I eventually did.

As I approached the river I had a feeling that I was being followed but I put it behind me because, come on, who would be awake at this time.
Inner me answered, " You? ", in a matter of factly way.

I sat at the bank of the river and closed my eyes, familiarizing myself with my surrounding before finally shedding my clothes and getting in the freeeeeezing water.

That's exactly what I needed, a cold, cold, icy, coooold wash.
But even super cold water could get Sadiwe out of my mind.
This love thing is hard.

Her face kept on flashing in my mind, it got to a point that I thought the trees were her.

Why do people go crazy when they fall in love? 
I cursed at the universe.

I started to relax a little and got used to the temperature of the water.

Suddenly I heard I twig snap under a foot and I knew I was an idiot for not taking my hunch about being followed seriously.

" Who's there? ", I asked, getting out of the water.

" Now that's a sight I never get tired of seeing. ", a familiar female voice said.

Crazy psycho bitch followed me.

" What do you want Zènanie? " I asked.  Even I could hear the annoyance in my voice.

"I just want to know who that girl was, you know, the pretty one at the party, that's all. ", she snarkily asked, emerging from the shadows.

Like hell, she is where all people go to suffer and burn.

Should I tell her who Sadiwe was or just avoid it, because who knows what crazy's going to do with that information.

"Walk away", inner me instructed me.
I could almost see the warning signs above her head which I didn't see when I made the shitstorm of a mistake of asking her out.  I didn't even ask her to be my girlfriend officially.

I wrapped my cloth around my waist and flung the rest of my belongings over my shoulder.

" Where are you going? ", she asked.

As if I would stand there another second to listen to her.

" Home! ",  I replied.

" If you don't tell me who that girl is I might just have to find out myself. ", she said. I swore I could hear the evil in her voice.

" If you ever go near her, you wouldn't like who I would become. "

And with that, I walked away.

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