Chapter 2

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"Mina! Wait up!"

A hand wrapped itself around my upper arm, causing my blood to run cold. I whipped towards the assailant and plowed him against the thick wrought-iron gates that guarded the school. I squinted as thr stranger cried out, and immediately let go, it was Daren. I withdrew my hands and hugged my body, ashamed of what I had done.

"I-I'm so sorry. I was just trying - "

Daren smiled as he stretched out his limbs, "Don't worry about it. You seemed pretty angry - I saw you storm out of your testing room."

I nodded, I had been silently fuming outside, trying to get a hold of myself. I probably spent a good two hours out there, but I wasn't surprised that Daren had finished earlier than the given time for the exam. He was the smartest mortal I knew, I wonder how he coaxed them into letting him leave.

"Well, I'm fine now, I was just.....stressed about the exam. I'm not a good test taker." Why do I all of a sudden feel.....nervous?

He stared at me, confused as he adjusted his backpack on his left shoulder.

"Really? You always get A's on your tests in class. You know, I could help you if you'd like...."

I smiled at him, something about how innocently Daren spoke to me, I couldn't help but accept his offer.

"Um, you wanna grab a cup of coffee with me? We can just take the subway here, I know a great cafe."

He grinned at me and started to away from the gates towards my side.

We walked down the block until we reached the subway opening and descended down the steep steps. As Daren approached the tollbooth to purchase a ticket, I dug around in my own bag to get the ticket I had purchased earlier. Daren turned to me and motioned for me to wait for him on the train platform. I smiled and passed through the small gates, swiping my ticket through and passing onto the other side.

It was so hot in late June, and the subway was muggy and humid. A train on the other side of the tunnel came barreling down the tracks and I closed my eyes in pleasure as a breeze swept through the station. Just as quickly as it came, it left. Over the screeching of the wheels on the track, I opened my eyes scanning the other side out of boredom. One person stood.....and he was staring directly at me. I clenched my jaw, recognizing Edgar as he stared at me slyly.

"Ready to go? I see our train coming"

I turned at the sound of Daren's voice and nodded; any happiness I had desperately tried to cling to now slipped through my fingers. Our train arrived and the doors opened, a cool gust of air- conditioning welcoming us in. We sat in the middle and leaned against the icy walls, but I was so tense that I didn't even notice the goosebumps on my skin. I analyzed the train, but he wasn't there. Everything would be fine, calm down Mina.

I turned to glance out the windows of the train and saw Edgar, clinging to the pane, a disgusting grin on his face. The wind outside whipped around his hair as the train gained speed and I gazed at him dumbfounded. Then, he disappeared. I swallowed as we entered a tunnel and everything went black. Between gaps in the walls, his face appeared every time, he was mocking me.

My breathes became shallower and I shut my eyes, clamping a hand over my mouth. I turned to my side and nearly screamed. Edgar was sitting right next to me. All the blood drained from my face and my hands started to quiver. He was no longer smiling, he was glaring at Daren, disgusted by how close he was sitting next to me, loathing how our arms were touching.

Are you delusional? Why would you ever be in the same PLACE as that jackass!?

No one could see him but me. Edgar had that power, to control what people were allowed to know or not, and he clearly only wanted to hurt me.

He's a better person than you'll ever be!  I snapped back at him

Edgar stared at me amused and he switched his gaze from Daren to me.

Please, your going to make me laugh Mina. IT doesn't stand a chance against me.

I locked my gaze with his, enraged by his obnoxious and cruel presence. 

His name is Daren, and I like him

Edgar's eyes went stone cold and his expression grew grim.

Well I'll make sure that comes to an end


He vanished and I exhaled deeply, oh no.  

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