Chapter 8

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I shut my eyes so tight that my head began to throb. Tears overflowed and gushed down my cheeks, burning my frigid skin while leaving behind red trails. Overhead, wind gathered and storm clouds brewed. Thunder shook me to my core as bolts of lightning flashed before my eyes. I looked down at my hand to see the ring begin to grow white hot, and I screamed from the pain of my skin being seared. My knees became weak, and suddenly the ground beneath me began to move. Only, I wasn't imagining it.

The skyscraper we stood upon had begun to sway ominously, and suddenly, other buildings around us began to tremble with such force that their brilliant armor of glass shattered. Millions of shards rained down on the crowded New York City streets below, screams erupting from the innocent pedestrians. Edgar fought to keep his balance as he ran to me.

I was far too resilient to move, but I was standing dangerously close to the edge of the roof. What I would do, to just let go. I opened my eyes slowly through all the chaos that surrounded me, and gazed weakly out amongst the smoothly paved streets.

I lifted my leg, watching as it crossed the thin line of the rooftop and dangled carelessly in the air. Maybe, if I just take another step, it'll all go...away. But Edgar scooped me up so abruptly that my thoughts were silenced. He continued forward and rocketed himself into the sky, his marvelous dark wings slicing through the swollen clouds. He pressed me to his chest, one arm hooked under my legs while the other was plastered to my back, holding my head against the hollow of his neck.

I didn't resist, but dreaded every moment of it. I had finally thrown in the towel, waved my white flag...surrendered. I bet he was loving it, looking down at me like I was some sort of servant. But that was exactly what I was. And would be for the rest of eternity.

I didn't realize where Edgar was taking me, and soon we landed in front of the Elders' brownstone. Edgar walked briskly up the steps, continuing to carry me right through the open door and into the Elders' living room. His strong hands wrapped around me snugly, just as my head seemed to rest perfectly in the crevice of his neck. I never noticed how warm he was...


"There she is-"

"Shhh, she's sleeping..."

I stared sleepily at the three Elders as they cocked their heads and stared down at me in curiosity. Edgar walked over to the other side of the fireplace and gently placed me onto a plush sofa, covering me with a knit blanket. The Elders stayed put, yet Vibius stepped forward. "How did you do it?"

Edgar didn't budge from my side, and he answered over his shoulder, "I didn't do anything."

Amius swept across the room and turned to face Edgar, his expression clearly amused.

"Oh come now Edgar. Just how did you put that ring on her?"

"Probably held her down!" Vibius added.

Amius glanced at him with a grin, "How juvenile Vibius!"

I was falling in and out of conciousness, yet I strived to hear them. Edgar crossed his arms and sat down on the coffee table opposite of me. He cleared his throat slowly, "...she, did it herself." The two Elders stopped joking, their side conversation thoroughly silenced by Edgar's statement. I forced my eyes open one last time, squinting through my blurry, fatigued vision. Quintus hadn't spoken a word, and just before I finally gave in to sleep, I managed to see him turn and walk quietly out of the room.

I felt Edgar's hand brush against my shoulder as he tucked me in, and I nearly woke up as his touch lingered a little longer than needed, even in sleep I couldn't escape him. His presence made my stomach twist in knots, but something was different.

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