Chapter 20

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Just great, just freaken dandy. Edgar had walked in and placed a huge steaming pile of crap on my desk - his resume. It was impeccable, and the agency would kill to have someone like him working for them. I know who I would kill - Edgar. I cancelled my lunch date with the girls and decided to go home, taking all of my work into my hands as I bustled out the door with my purse slung over my shoulder.

My car was parked in the lot behind the building, and I breathed in the warm, California air as the sun began to set in the horizon. I had to admit, even though it wasn't nearly as alive and wild like NYC, it had a homey feel. I got into my convertible, spilling my things across the passenger seat as I hastily put on my seat-belt. Grabbing a pair of sunglasses, I sheltered my eyes as I started the engine, looking behind me as I pulled out of the parking spot.

 I whizzed by countless streets, leaning back as I adjusted to the seat. Palm trees lined the boulevards, and condos stood proudly as they overlooked the ocean. I glanced to my right, admiring the deep blue waves as they crashed onto the milky beaches, throwing innocent surfers into the brine, watching as their boards bobbed peacefully on the surface.

He had to be out here, it wasn't nearly dark enough for him to go home yet. I slowed my car, pulling onto the side of the street as I drove through th entrance to the beach. The uneven gravel path jolted my purse, making it fly off the seat and onto the car floor below. I pulled into a spot and ignored the mess, scanning the beach for him. My feet wriggled out of their shoes and together we stepped out of the car. A gentle dune of sand formed a hill, and it sloped downward until it evened out into the beach, welcoming anyone who wished to explore.

 I gingerly followed until I approached the shoreline, letting the waves lick at my toes as I watched my feet sink into the moist sand. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I whipped my head back, laughing as Leo nuzzled my neck. He placed me on the ground, yet his hands didn't leave my hips. I stood on the tips of my toes, giving him a quick peck on the lips before punching him playfully in the arm.

 "You scared me! You know I don't like that." I teased him, letting him frown at me with puppy dog eyes.  

"Well let me make it up to you, how about dinner, nine o'clock?" Leo rested his forehead against mine, and I bit my lip as I stared into his turquoise eyes. A gentle wave in his locks of tussled sandy blond hair framed his tan face, and I smiled as his soft lips kissed the crevice between my ear and jaw.

"Fine, pick me up at nine."

 Leo grinned gave me a quick peck on the lips as he looked down at his watch.

 "Woah, it's nearly seven. I should get going, I'll see you soon!" I squeezed his hand and followed him up the beach back to the parking lot, arriving at my car as I watched Leo walk to his Jeep. He peeled off his wet-suit, quickly throwing a tee over it as he pulled out, waving to me as he past. More surfers began to clear out of the waters, and I drove past them onto the street.

 I quickly unlocked my apartment door, dropping my keys into the glass bowl that waited patiently in the hall. Running to my bathroom, I turned on the shower and threw my clothes onto the floor as I stepped in underneath the running water. A perfect image of a red cocktail dress with black heels floated eagerly in my mind and I scrubbed out any lasting bits of shampoo in my hair. I rushed to the bedroom, letting my closet doors fly open as I flicked through hangers of clothing, finally arriving at the berry red dress I had imagined before. Digging around the bottom, I pulled out the heels. The clock above my dresser chimed eight, and I rushed to finish blow drying my hair.

 Leo was everything I had ever wanted, he was the perfect man. Caring, kind, sensitive, hilarious, smart, and not to mention outstandingly handsome. He always made me feel better, and safe. Something I was so unused too. I could still remember the first time we had met, and it was at the small cafe across the street from my office.

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