Showmace #1

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( Kinda short or long. )

( diary room )

Dean: I kinda have a little connection with AJ and I maybe something a little more than that.

( reality )

Dean: hey...

AJ: hey...

Dean: can we talk.

Dean and AJ went to the HoH room and they realized that Dolph and Roman are still up there.

Dean: hey guys can you give us a minute

Dolph: yeah sure.

They left.

AJ: so what's up.

Dean: can I trust you on something? Can you help me try to get enough votes to get Punk out.

AJ: well...

Dean: come on.

AJ: only for one favor.

Dean: what is it?

AJ: can I stay in your bed tonight.

Dean: ok.

AJ: and the next night.

Dean: ok.

AJ: and the other night after that 

Dean: ( looks at AJ ) oh I see, you like me.

AJ: I don't

Dean: yes you do.

AJ: no I don't.

Dean: yes you do.

( diary room )

AJ: yes I do. I have a little crush on him ever since he stepped foot on this house.

( back to reality )

AJ: no I don't.

Dean: ok, you don't.

AJ: finally...

Dean: but you do.

AJ: ( gives Dean the death stare )

Dean: a little

AJ: bye now. ( leaves )

Dean: oh come on...she likes me.

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