HoH Competition: Week 5

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AJ Lee
Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler

Current HoH

Seth Rollins

HoH Comp.

It a race to the button. In this HoH, contestants will race to there buzzer in each round. The last person to touch their buzzer is eliminated. The last person standing will be crown the new HoH.

Round 1

Ready. Seth. GO!!!

Dean, Dolph was neck and neck and AJ was way behind them. Dean and Dolph their buzzers and AJ was the last one the press her buzzer.

Sorry AJ, you have been eliminated.

Final Round

It all comes down to this Dolph and Dean to become Head of Household. 3. 2. 1...GO!!!
Dolph and Dean was again neck and neck but Dean got to his buzzer first and became the new Head of Household

Head of Household

Dean Ambrose

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