Last Veto Competition: Week 6

378 13 3


AJ Lee
Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
Seth Rollins

Veto comp.

Ok houseguests, this is your last veto competition of this season. Today, when the bell rings, you guys will run to the slime and find all of the evicted houseguest pictures. When you find all of them, return back to your plate and place the pics in the order when the were evicted. Are you ready...GO!!!
The bell and Dean pushed Dolph to get in the slime first. Seth help Dolph and they got in the slime. AJ got Roman's pic and Brie's pic and she ran back and place it on her table. When she went back to the slime, Dean and Dolph went back to their table and they both got Roman's and Punk's pic. They went back to the slime and Seth got a pic of Roman and AJ got Nikki's and Punk's pic she went back to her table and but it in order from last to first

Roman; Punk; Nikki; Brie

She pressed her button but it says it all wrong. Then Dolph and Dean came back with their last to pics, AJ realized it was from first evicted to last evicted. So she switch it around:

Brie; Nikki; Punk; Roman

She pushed the button and she got it. And she has power of veto.

Power of Veto

AJ Lee

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