HoH Competition: Week 2

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Julie: This is the HoH Competition. Dean, since you're were HoH you are not eligible to compete. For this competition, is call slip and slide. You have cups that you need to fill up with colored water as much as you can. And you have bring it to the empty bowl on the other side. But you have to walk on this slippery floor. The first person to fill up the bowl, take the ball and place on the HoH sign and press the buzzer will become the new head of household. Are You Ready?

Houseguests: YEAH!

Julie: ok, let's begin.

---( Buzz )---

It's has begun and already Nikki fell.

Nikki: ow, that hurt.

Dolph: are you ok.

Nikki: yeah.

---( 30 mins later )---

So far in the lead, it's a tie between AJ and Dolph.

Dean: COME AJ!!!

Behind them is Seth and Roman, and Nikki well, she hasn't pour anything in so...

---( 1 hour and 5 mins )---

It's still a tie and AJ and Dolph needs on more cups to get the ball. Dolph is there and...oh he fell. AJ made it there and poured it in and grab the ball and head back and placed the ball and press the buzzer.

Dean: congratulations AJ, you are the new head of household. ( place the key necklace over her head )

Dolph: ( goes to Nikki and Roman ) Fuck, I could've won.

Nikki: ( whisper ) it's ok.

( diary room )

Dolph: I'm so upset. I--I could've one. By one little mistake. One little mistake. I've seen AJ and Dean getting really close. And...I feel like this week...I may go home.

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