"Cafeteria Time"

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(CHS Cafeteria)

(The stage is the one above all the tables,round shape and the stairs are connected with the circle stage.)


(Narrator's POV)

When everyone is in the cafeteria, all of them were amaze by the design and size of it. I mean who doesn't, anyways each school was given their table, oh yeah their are more than 150 tables their in the CHS cafeteria.

when everyone was settle down...............

the Principle and the V-principle got to the stage holding a microphone in their hands.

"I know all of you must be hungry because of your trip here going to CHS" said P Celestia

some nodded and some yelled 'yes'

"So that is why we are going to eat first" said P Celestia

"But this will be different, please enjoy the food and entertainment!!!!!!!!" said VP Luna

then the two of them got down the stage.

everyone clapped, after that the food was served, while everyone was eating, music starts playing. 

There was no light except for the stage that is right above them, all the CHS students were preparing for the show. 



Finally updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Guys great news: I AM DONE WITH MY EXAMS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also sorry for the short chapter don't worry the next chapter will be long, I promise!! ^-^

As always:





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