Chapter 1

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     I walked into the barn Oreo close behind me. I never bother to lead him anymore, he follows me everywhere. I open his stall door and he walks right in. "Good boy Oreo" I praise him before turning to untack him. I took off the  blue bridle followed by the blue and white saddle and saddle pad. I'd bought the whole set while in Fort Pinta because Oreo needed blue tack for a show I was competing in. Once I put everything away I grabbed an apple and walked back over to him. As I was feeding Oreo the treat I heard footsteps and turned around to see my friend Nina walk into the barn. Following her was a paint that looked similar to Oreo. "Hey Nina, how was Chip?" I asked her. Chip looked a lot like Oreo, except while Oreo appeared to be black with white splotches Chip was the opposite. "Good" she replied "he refused one jump but other then that our practice was good!" "So was mine" I replied "but I can't jump until Oreo's leg is better" Oreo had hurt his leg about a week ago when we knocked over a jump and one of the poles hit him. Thankfully, he'd been alright but he can't jump or gallop long distances for a while. We chatted about our rides for a little bit longer before we decided to get some food. As we walked out of the barn we heard a horse neigh. We both turned to see a girl leading a clearly expensive bay dressage horse out of a trailer. His clean fur gleamed in the sun and he walked out of the trailer in perfect form, as if he was in the arena hoping for a perfect score. We both just stared at the horse as he walked past us into the barn. "Is she like rich or something" Nina whispered to me a little to loudly. The girl heard us and replied with a laugh "No I'm just an ordinary girl" "Sorry" I said hastily trying to make up for her hearing us "It's just your horse.." She cut me off saying "Yeah I know, I get asked that a lot, it's just my parents breed dressage horses so when I started riding they insisted on making sure I was given the best horse they had" "Oh" Nina said with a laugh "must be awkward sometimes" "It is" the girl replied "my name's Kate by the way" the horse neighed behind her. She laughed and said "and that's Foxstar, but just call him Fox, he might look fancy but he's just a silly horse once you get to know him" I decided to introduce myself too. "I'm Jacqueline, but just call me Jacky, and this is Oreo" I said pointing at my horse as I said his name. Oreo reared in his stall clearly showing off. We all laughed and then Nina said "I'm Nina, and this is Chip" Chip neighed loudly causing us to laugh again. We chatted for a little while until I had to leave. As I grabbed my things I said to Kate "We could show you around tomorrow, the Forgotten Fields are pretty fun to ride in" "Sure!" she replied. We made plans to meet the next morning before I raced out of the barn and ran down the road knowing I needed to get home before eight. The school year has just ended, and since my sister was still in school we all had to be home by eight. Tomorrow was her last day though so after that I didn't have to worry about the time. As I walked into my house I realized that in all the excitement I'd never actually gotten dinner. I grabbed a banana deciding that could be my late dinner, and headed up to my room for the night.

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