Chapter 26

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-=Jacky's Point of View=-

Three days later we were casually sitting in the stables. Valedale was such a nice little town I'd quickly decided. We'd simply gone riding in an arena the past few days to keep the horses in shape. Sunny wasn't ridden though. It was clear she was due for her foal any day now. I couldn't believe how much going through a portal has sped that up still. We were all nervous, hoping nothing would happen. Sunny would never be able to fight or run right now. Despite the nervousness we all had, we still managed to enjoy our stay. I sat in Silverblaze's stall eating a turkey and cheese sandwich. Nina sat next to me, eating a peanut butter sandwich. As I ate suddenly a gust of wind blew my sandwich out of my hand. "Sunny!" I yelled. But I saw she was asleep. "Nina was that you?" I asked her. "No idea" she said honestly. "I think it was, you killed my sandwich!" I said laughing. I then lit her sandwich on fire. She dropped in surprise - right into the water bucket in the stall. She starred to laugh causing me to laugh even harder. "Clearly you can use your magic" I said trying to not laugh again. "Yeah" she replied. Silverblaze, who had been napping then woke up and yawned. He walked over to the water and took a sip. "This water tastes weird" he said looking at us. Me and Nina burst out laughing again. "What? What did you do to it?" Silverblaze asked. He looked into it. "Oh, how did a sandwich get in here?" he asked. Silverblaze fished it out and tosses it aside. The soggy sand which landed right next to the scattered pieces of mine. It was pretty funny I have to say. Suddenly our fun was interrupted when Sunny cried out. Her wings had been hidden but they suddenly appeared and laid down. "What's happening girl?" Nina asked. "I- I think my foal is being born!" She replied a panicked look in her eyes. Silverblaze pushed past me and Nina and ran over to her. I didn't have to do anything in the end but awkwardly stand there. The stall was big, so even with the open door I couldn't see what was happening. A few minutes later Silverblaze walked out. "And?" I asked him. "It's a boy" he said simply before going back into Sunny's stall. I followed wanting to see the foal. In there snuggled up against Sunny, was a cute little colt. He looked more like a Morgan then a quarter horse, if I had to guess one of the parents had an ancestor that was one. He had a dark gold coat and a white mane with the occasional black hair in it. "What should his name be?" Sunny asked Silverblaze. "Pepper" Silverblaze replied. I thought it was a cute name. Silverblaze nuzzled his newborn son and layer down next to him and Sunny. "He's beautiful" I told them. They didn't say anything but I knew they liked hearing that. I left the stall and deciding to give them some bonding time, and after Nina had seen the foal, grabbed her arm and dragged her out to get new sandwiches.

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