Day Six: To Baker Street

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I awoke with Abbey next to me as she was still sleeping.  I lay there watching her sleep; her shoulders rise and fall with her head rested against my chest like an angel. This moment was just perfect as the morning light shined throughout the room of my apartment. Soon I felt Abbey snuggling her head against my chest and I look down at her seeing she looks up at me with her eyes looking deep into mine along with a smile. 

I smile back at her as she gently touches the side of my face stroking my cheek.  My fingers go through her hair delicate to the touch “good morning beautiful...” I said softly.  There was a moment of pause as Abbey and I still look into each other’s eyes in a lost trance.  “Morning handsome...” she finally said to me.  A few seconds go by and slowly I close my eyes feeling the touch of Abbey’s lips against mine.

One Kiss lead to another as soon my apartment phone began to ring. The ringing of the phone interrupted our tender moment as I glance over to the phone seeing that it was ringing.  Abbey sits up and I started to get up to answer the phone.  I went up to the phone picking it up “hello?” I answered.  “Hey Keithy, Ronny and I are on our way soon; we just got on the tube from Victoria Station.” said Isabell who called. 

I could hear the automated voice in the background from them being in the underground. “Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.”  I knew Isabell and Ronny would arrive shortly.  “Alright Isabell see you soon!” I said with excitement of finally knowing this will be the very first time of hanging out with Isabell and meeting Ronny for the first time.  “Okay Keith see you shortly” replied Isabell as we disconnected the call.

I hang up the phone with a smile on my face “well, someone’s excited!” said Abbey.  I look over at her with a bright eyed look of excitement.  “Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this for the longest time, and I’m looking forward to actually spending time with them along with introducing them to you!”  I replied. 

Abbey gives me a warm smile “well, we should wait for them downstairs” said Abbey still sitting up on the bed.  “Yes, sounds like a good idea...” Soon I just remembered something.  “We should go to the reservation room first I need to book a reservation for an airport shuttle to come pick me up on Friday” I said remembering that in the apartment brochure I had in my room said to book a shuttle I had to make reservations at least a day early before the departure. 

Abbey didn’t say anything as I got everything I needed for our day out with Ronny and Isabell.  We went over next door on thirty-one into the reservation room of the Astons Apartments.  When I went in the room I saw both the reservation lady and the man in the suit and tie.  The reservation lady was sitting at her desk that was on the left and the man in the suit and tie was sitting in the desk on the right side of the room. 

I asked them both when they saw me come in “I hear the apartments can schedule an airport shuttle to come here for pickup?” I said.  The man in the suit and tie spoke “why yes are you here to schedule one to come pick you up?” he asked.  I walk up to his desk as Abbey still stood by the entrance of the room.  “Yes, I’m here for one to come get me when I leave Friday morning.” I answered.

“Ah ok when is your flight Friday?”  asked the man in the suit and tie as he started typing on his computer setting up the reservation.  “The plane leaves at twelve noon” I answered back.  “Ok I’ll book the shuttle to come get you in the morning at eight-thirty so that way you will have plenty of time to get to your flight on time along with getting through security at the airport.” replied the man in the suit and tie. 

Soon an older couple comes in the reservation room as they went up to the reservation lady.  Their English wasn’t good for they were a French couple by the sound of their accents.  They tried the best they could to ask the reservation lady if they could change their room or perhaps cancel their reservation.  I don’t know which they were asking for it was hard for me to even understand as the reservation lady even had a hard time understanding.  “I’m sorry I don’t quite understand, are you asking to change your room or to cancel?” asked the reservation lady to them.

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