Russia x reader safe love

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Mother Russia

This is an old request from the first person that ever talked to me on watt pad so I couldn't say 'no' I love request because I have someone to talk to and to make me work harder hope you like it if you want me to write about someone in hetalia and maybe some who is not hetalia if I don't no it just gave me details about the person I will write and I never never ever say NO( man am a loner)

Walking around at Americas party you watched Germany and Prussia have a drinking competition it was a draw because they both pasted out and Italy screamed as soon as Germany pasted out thinking he was dead you laughed a little when you heard some one crying it was Russia right at your feet in a ball crying you have never seen him cry before "um Mr Russia " you ask a little scared but you put on a calm voice (ME : MY HERO!!! ENGLAND: oh shut it *glare* sword fight !!) you Kneeled down and touch his shoulder he move his face onto your lap to your surprised he still didn't lift his head up you had no idea what to do you "HEY DUDE!! (Nam- WOAH WHAT HAPPEN!!" America yelled "I don't no what's up anyway do you need something?"you ask very calm which is one of the things everyone liked about you we're very kind and calm and very motherly America grinned "7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN PRINCESS AND I MADE SURE YOU HAD THE FIRST PERSON TO PICK BECAUSE YOUR MY GIRL!!" America grinned you felt Russia grip your thigh a little making you gasp America didn't notices and made you pick out a piece you were about to open the paper when you saw it Russia aura kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol you heard. And America hide behind the couch Russia slowly rose from your lap and his face reached your chest and looked you in the eyes and pulled into a tight hug his head rested into the crock of neck buried his nose into your sweet hair and let out a sad sigh you open the paper and it said AMERICA Russia knew it and got up and left somewhere you were a little worry but America pulled you into the closet 5 minutes past then everyone heard crashed Russia heard it too and thought sadly 'my sweet sunflower became with one with America' and everyone thought the same Russia couldn't take it anymore and go up and sat outside then everyone saw (name) running out of the closet holding her top together tears in her eyes and America drunk saying " babe let became one " Hungary and even Prussia and Germany beat the shit out of him (name) raced outside before anyone could ask what happen Russia still outside saw ( name) got up " sunflower what happen" he ask worried and half thinking she will never tell him but ( name ) just stood there suffing and sobbing trying to talk Russia pulled her into a warm and loving hug stroking her hair ( name) didn't even try to pull away she didn't want too ,Russia walked her to the seat he was once sitting in and let ( name ) sit on his lap still holding her once she calm down she starter talking " um I w-well when we went I-in the closet America starter drinking and then h-he tried taking off my clothes" she suffed out some thing in Russia snapped " l'll kill him" he growled and got up still holding ( name ) went Inside America on the couch Russia grabbed the front of America shirt lifting him in the air everyone gasped "so you thought you could become one with my sunflower?"Russia said darkly "bad mistake" Russia added with a growled and throw America across room the hitting wall with crash "stay away from my sunflower da?" He said with a dark smile before dragging (name) out the drove her home he starter walking her in he let him self in and told her to have a shower he sat on her bed while he waited 10 minutes later she came out he turn around while she got dress playing with a stuffed animal she had on her bed she sat on the bed and laid down russia gently stroked her hair she closed her eyes Russia about to leave (name) quickly stop him by grabbing his coat "um c-could you stay the night" she said turning red for what she just said Russia gave a small smile and nodded she smiled and moved over Russia took off his boots and coat leaving him in his turtle neck and pants he was about to sit down when (name) hugged him "thank you Russia " she said starting to cry again russia laid down into her bed and pulled blankest other the both of them and turned off lamp and they both fell asleep Russia holding her tight the whole night not leaving once

In the morning

In the morning you felt so warm and safe but then you had a flash back from last night in the closet you started to cry when you felt someone wrapped there arms around you .you look up and met purple eyes staring down with worry"(reader) why are you crying did you have a bad dream da?" Russia asked he stayed he stayed with you all night and never left your side "n-no I just had a little flash but I'm ok I feel better now I no that I'm not alone"you smiled sweetly he blushed and look away "I-I'm just glad you feel better" he spoke with embarrassment you giggled which only made him blushed harder he look so red it was very cute you have always had a thing for Russia but it was small but seeing him have made you want to kiss him you thought it was now or never you sat up and so did Russia he stared with questions you took a deep breath and let it all out"Russia I have something and if you don't feel the same with I understand"you spoke Russia's thoughts 'what's she talking about don't feel the same wait is this a dream because it feels like it is me in the same bed of sweet lovely (reader) and this somehow feels like she is going to tell me she likes me oh I hope so it would be a dream come true ' you were ready your not going to hold back anymore"Russia I like you I like you a lot I think I am in love with you since the moment I saw you I have like you not loud you kind and sweet I know a lot of people think your scar-" you were cut by a soft lips that's all Russia needed to hear he now knows that you love him he couldn't of a been happier he broke away and smiled "I love you too and I have loved you for so long" you kissed and broke away again and hug the two of you and fell asleep

The two of you married by the way where America go?

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