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Ok, I know this has nothing to with hetalia or fan-fiction but I was watching a woman that is transgender on YouTube who was talking about her struggles with being transgender and the thing that really struck me was that the one thing so worries about is when she goes to order something is that weather she will called 'madam' or 'sir' but she is clearly a woman maybe not 100% but that's who she identifies herself with because she was born a man but was a woman on the inside so this got me thinking about will those haters and protesters degrading theses people because it's disgusting that's who they are

The word 'Love' doesn't mean only a heterosexual person are only to feel it, No dumbass it means deep romantic or sexual attachment anyone can feel it even animals so are you gonna protest against animal for loving there owners? Probably not

Another thing that sets me off my tree is that when gay, lesbian, bi tells they person of the same gender that they are one of these the person the automaticity think 'OMG they are in love with me' No shitface, do you every time you see someone from the opposite sex whether their are ugly, pretty , old , young you want to screw probably not right? Because that's means you have no standards and are a whore or manwhore news flash so do LGBT they have standards just like you and don't hoe themselves around because they ain't hoes

Remember back in school when you had to pick teams and you weren't pick or when there was a birthday party and you weren't invited imagine the whole world doing that to you for the rest of your life sounds like hell right? Imagine that you could never hold hands with the one you love in public, imagine when you go to eat you have to act like your friends and when someone tries to hit on that person and you can only watch and do notice because society will shame you for being who you are and protecting that person you love so much that you would go through this hate and injustices just so you can wake up every morning and see there smile and you know that when you walk out that front door together you fight another war against these people who are so ignorant, naive and arrogant

It's like if you were a brunette but society says that being a brunette who the work of the devil so have to hide because you don't want people to hate you for it so dye your hair red but still on the inside your a brunette there is no way you can change it because it's who you are so matter how many time you dye your hair those brown roots will grow back because it you: A Brunette

Sounds like hell when you stop and think about it because those people are human just like you, just trying get through the day because these people have a heart just like you or me , two eyes , two hands , two ears and above else : Feelings, emotions they laugh and they cry just like you and they also hurt

So do humanity a favour and treat these people with the respect they deserve because at the end of the day their human and they have a hate enough time as it is so give them a break and just be kind and respect not just them but everyone because otherwise we're all going to turn into heartless machines with their only emotion being: Hate

..::Please share::..



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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