AustiaxTomboyReader :::Lady Like!:::

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Austria x Tomboy Reader

:::LADY LIKE!:::

You and Austria were best friend you had been friends since child hood he was always to girly and you always told him to man up! But he always had some one else to fight for him the lazy shit

As for you well you were like Hungary but you didn't change like Hungary she did you stay the way you were you came and went as you please when you were bored you would walk in Austria house without knocking

Right now you were sitting in Austria's music room being forced to listen to his angry music because you didn't knock when Austria was changing you didn't really care but when you walk out you saw an angry Hungarian

Austria came storming out after you telling you to knock and wait for an answer you didn't listen to a word he said you just went on your way to the kitchen till he made you listen to his piano with no escape

Austria POV

I was playing my piano for (name) because she walk in on me changing she didn't seem to care though why should I be surprised she is such a tomboy she act nothing like a lady she wears males clothes and she doesn't speak like a lady

I don't know what to do with her sometimes but that's why I love her she acts like her self around me doesn't care what people say about her she is so strong she is a little bit like miss Hungary but miss Hungary changes her self around me and when she is with Prussia she act like her self

but (name) she so much more different but I supposed its a good thing she acts like she does because if (name) started wearing female clothes a lot of boys would ask her out and maybe forget about me but still she still needs to Learn some manners so maybe half lady like oh I don't know with that girl

Normal POV

Austria was so deep in thought that he had stop playing the piano and you just sat there a little awkward

you got up and walk over to Austria "hey princess you stopped playing does that me I can g-" you were cut off by Austria slamming down his hands on the piano his whole body tensed "whoa dude ! I know your angry but don't go killing your wife like that its not nice" you commented Austria turn around with a frown "oh know Austria has his cranky face on~" you teased he stood up "that's it I'm going to make you into a lady started with your looks!" He huffed "what's wrong with my looks?" You questioned hands on your face trying to find out what's wrong with it

Austria taking back what he said and realised he might of made you upset "n-no it's not your face or body it's your clothes" he said quietly "oh man not this again" you whined "come on let's go!" He huffed dragging you up stairs if any one saw this they would think he was gonna rape you or something

Austria with though a closet with dresses in side "oh wow Austria didn't know you like to cross dress buddy haha don't worry my man you would look great in a dress because your so girly haha" you laughed thinking about him in a dress "idiot I don't wear them they have always been here I brought the dresses for when some day you become a lady !" He huffed "aww you brought them for me alright I just I will wear one dress but only one alright and nothing to fancy I will look like an idiot" you demanded Austria chuckled at your request but nodded in agreement

15 minutes later

You were started to fall asleep Austria was taking so long to find you one dress "find it" you heard him say "about time I'm started to fall asleep" you complained

Austria gave you the dress and walked out it was a long dress that was (favourite colour) the sleeves went down to your elbow (you can add something there if you want) and with a v-neck you sighed and put it one he made you wear heels as well there were (favourite colour) you took your (short/long) ponytail out you looked in the mirror and the dress show every curve you wanted to hide but then you thought 'Man up!' You weren't gonna let a dress beat you

you march down stairs into Austria's piano room slamming the door open "alright I did it I won the damn dress lost!" You yelled Austria sat there dumbfounded you look beautiful in the dress and he was also confused about the winning and losing part Austria felt a blush creep on his face he never knew what a well lets guess say a hot sexy body you had

Austria couldn't hold back anymore he stood up walking over to you he put both hands on your shoulders and slammed his kiss on yours eyes widen then closed you smirked which confused Austria he pull away for like 2 seconds

when you crushed you lips on to his again your arms wrapped around his neck he wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you around you both pulled apart gasping for air you grin "so what do you have to say~?"you teased he chuckled "Ich liebe dich schöne Frau"he smiled "I love you too!" You yelled awhile crushing him into a hug

The end.

German words :

Ich liebe dich schöne Frau: I love you beautiful woman

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