UnAwesome Prussa x reader

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::Un awesome:: Prussia x reader

You and your boyfriend Prussia were on a date at a cafe shop everyone thing was going well a young woman came over who was the waitress came over to your table to take your orders and that's when it happens your boyfriend starts to hit on her right in front of you sometimes you wonder if he is sleeping around the waitress was giggle like a school girl as Prussia kissed her hand and rubbed her cheek she was trying red you were angry but is wasn't the waitress fault she must of thought you and Prussia were friends because he was hitting on her and she was young you sighed and stood up quietly Prussia didn't notices that you had left and before you left you wrote of a napkin 'I've had enough of it and I'm tired of it you hit on girls and your not even ashamed of it I'm breaking up with you' and with that you left yes you felt a little sad but it had to be done you didn't want to do it anymore you were tired of it.


I was hitting on a waitress in a Cafe and I was doing it in front of (name) again she never tells me off for doing it and the reason is because (name) is weak and yes I like that about her but I want her to learn to stand up for her self and that's why I do this and another reason is because I don't want some one like France getting to her anyway I was putting the moves on the girls when the waitress left I turned to where (name) but she was gone I didn't even notice she left I started to panicked I looked in front of me on the table there was (names) hand writing saying she wanted to break up I never wanted her to break up with me I wanted her to tell me off damn! Stood up quickly and I was about to run out to find her when the waitress came back"Here's my number call me ♡" she giggled blushing my face drop I thought she was gonna tell me something about where (name) might of run of to I growled at her and she stepped back I run out search for my Angel I secured high and slow and still know sign of her I run back to the house which we shared I slammed the door open dripping wet (because he was running in the rain) the house was lifeless dead I run up stairs and kicked the door open and there she was sitting on the bed we shared back facing me looking out the window I sighed in relief I find her I should have looked here first I started to walked towards her quietly making sure she didn't hear me when I finely got to her I wrapped my arms around her waist and burying my nose into her neck she gasped and turned her head around and realised that's it was me she groaned and turned her head not facing me any more "Prussia I told you I'm tired of you hitting on girls in front of me and don't want to do it any more at first I thought you would stop but you didn't so I'm breaking up with you" she said I could hear in her voice that she was ready to cry she didn't want to break up with me and I didn't want to lose her "Princess I know you don't want to break up with me and I don't want to lose you and have another man have you , your my girl the only reason I hit on other girls was because I wanted you to stand up for yourself because your too nice and warm hearted to people and you never tell them off and I didn't want France or America or someone like that to touch you and you letting it slide like it was nothing I wanted you to tell me off not break up with me " I explained I was trying not to cry myself I squeezed (name) tighter I could hear snuffing when I looked up (name) was crying! " ah crap I-I'm sorry oh shit s-sorry please don't cry ahh crap !" I was tripping over my words for god sakes I made the woman I love cry!! that's so un awesome "y-you idiot!" She sobbed out she turned now facing me banging my chest calling my an idiot and all which was true I was an idiot "I-I thought y-you didn't like me anymore b-because all the ah g-girl you h-hit on were all p-pretty and I thought you were b-bored of me !" She chocked out sobbing at the same time clinching her fist into ball on my shirt burying her face in chest making my shirt wet I was shock I didn't feel that way and it was my fault I was one that made her feel that way I laid down on my back on the bed and pulled (name) on top of me I wrapped my arms around her "I'm sorry for being un awesome

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