The Interview

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"Hello there! Don't you look like a doll?" Paul Wontorek greets me with a bear-hug, even though I have never meant him before in my life...unless you count the hours spent watching his interviews with Broadway's biggest stars.

"I try," I blush as we pull away from the hug.

"And she acts like one too!" he exclaims towards his cameraman, "Hello this is Paul Wontorek here at the Majestic Theater with Broadway's best kept secret, Miss Annaleigh Griffith!"

My breath catches in my throat as I realize the camera is already rolling. I have never done anything close to this, let alone something with thousands- perhaps millions of viewers. Wiping my hands on the fringe of my Hannibal skirt, I offer a small smile and try to keep up with Paul's excited energy.

"So, Miss Griffith, how do you feel?" he asks, holding a microphone in front of my mouth, "Excuse this old thing, we know you are on a serious time crunch and would not have time for proper miking!"

I blink a few times before asking timidly, "How do I feel right now?"

He lets out a loud laugh and I let out an uneasy chuckle with him. Anybody could see how uncomfortable I am. Although it is much different under the spotlight on stage, my stomach still feels sick with what is to come in the next hour.

"What a charmer this one is! Tell about the thought process before your big debut!" Paul asks and replaces the microphone back to its place in front of my mouth and awaits a response.

I smile nervously.

Oh that's right, I have to answer now.

"I, uh, can't lie to you Paul; I'm a little nervous. But I have confidence in the teachings my voice instructors have given to me and am blessed to have this amazing opportunity."

"What an experience this must be for you," he comments, shaking his head with disbelief, "Do you realize the fan base, or shall I say phan base-," he winks dramatically at the camera, "-you have acquired over the past five hours?"  

Although I catch the innuendo of "phan", the different spelling for the phanbase, I wonder if the normal viewers will get it since they can't see the ph instead of the f. Then I realize these people aren't exactly your average viewers.

My eyes widen, "Actually Paul I had no idea people even knew I would be playing the lead role tonight." 

He nods knowingly, glancing at the camera then back to me, "Annaleigh you are becoming the real life Christine Daae and many Broadway-hopefuls are looking up to you for inspiration. How could they not with you gaining the most coveted female role in the history of theater? Twitter and Instagram are blowing up with your name and an average of 100 people follow you every hour on both social media sites. The rush tickets are all sold out since everybody is eager to get the chance to see you for this exclusive performance. Some are calling you the 'Savior of the Opera' for powering through this epidemic and allowing Phantom to still have a performance tonight. There is talk of you potentially becoming the next big Broadway star. Of course, I would know. Everybody who is anybody is looking up videos of you on Youtube from your days at Savannah College of Art and Design. You partook in the talent show and had major roles in both the Spring musical and Fall play all four years you studied there, very rare for someone who only minored in musical theater performance," he looks wide eyed at the camera then returns his gaze to me, "Do you have any words of wisdom for the wishful teens out there?"

Feeling like a deer caught in headlights with all of this new information, I clear my throat and look Paul directly in the eyes, "I do have something to say Paul. I never thought in a million years that I would step onto a Broadway stage. Hell I didn't even think I would ever work in the theater or Broadway business. This is my mountain top moment. I wasn't born to sing or to sew or to give inspiration to people who follow me. But I learned. And here I am tonight, doing what I thought was impossible for my life," I look at the camera, suddenly feeling like a flame ignited in me, "To everybody watching me right now or on that stage in an hour, just know I am just surprised as you are.  People will say I don't have what it takes to do this historic role justice. Or people will say I am already living the role, stepping out from the shadows in a sudden surge of fame. I didn't step out into the spotlight. I was pushed through unpredictable circumstance. Sometimes the best things come from a little push or strive to do what you want. Don't push opportunities back because they don't always shove twice. Surprise yourself each day. The unexpected could lead to the expected."

I take a breath and look over at Paul. During my speech I absentmindedly took a step toward the camera. Blushing, I return to my spot next to Paul and hope the stage make-up covers up the evidence.

 "It feels good to get that out there," I admit, "I didn't realize I became an idol in so little time."

Slowly he slings an arm around my shoulder, the microphone just an inch from his mouth, "Ladies and gentleman, I hope you are tearing up right now like I am. Annaleigh is the voice of all the dreamers out there, including me," he bows his head solemnly.

I laugh nervously and play with the fringe on my Hannibal skirt, "I just spoke from the heart, Paul."

He shakes his head, "I can tell- in fact I think we all can tell that you spoke from the heart," he motions towards the camera. Putting an overjoyed smile on his face he continues, "Well that is all for right now viewers. Keep checking our Twitter for live tweets about the performance from this amazing grace of a girl. My lips are sealed but there might be another interviewer with Miss Annaleigh Griffith after this history making performance."

I smile at him and jokingly conclude, "Anything for you Paul."

 "Signing off this is Paul Wontorek and Annaleigh Griffith on Catch you later!"

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, and take a seat in front of my vanity.

"Oh my God Annaleigh you did fantastic! Or shall I say ph-" he starts to exclaim but I cut him off.

"I think I know what you're going to say, so I'll let you save your breath," I giggle, rolling my eyes jokingly, "Thank you so much for taking interest in me and holding this interview. An interview on was not something I thought I'd ever do."

"Honey if I didn't interview you then somebody else would get to you first and take all of my glory," he fake frowns and then bends down to hug me, "but really you're a sweetheart so it was my pleasure."

An announcement from the overhead speaker interrupts us, "All actors and actresses participating in tonight's show are to meet on stage in five minutes. Thank you."

"Well, that is my cue to skedaddle. See you soon, I will be watching." he motions from his eyes to my eyes and then leaves, shutting the door soundly behind him and the cameraman.

I laugh and shake my head uselessly. Apparently he won't be the only one watching me. It's a full house tonight, and I cannot disappoint.


[Author's Note: Next chapter Annaleigh will finally step onto the stage! Get ready for the climax, it will be epic :) Love you all and thanks for reading so far!

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