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I was sitting in the truck alone, pulled over at a small store just outside New York. There were heavy clouds in the sky and a light mist coming down, so the broken window wipers were moving back and forth on the windshield, clacking against the side of the window every time they went to the left. It was quite annoying, and I was tempted to turn them off, but I wouldn't be able to see the road if a police car showed up. I was officially wanted.

A loud knock on my window startled me, making me almost drop my pistol. Of course, it was only Ashton, grinning wildly with his hair hanging over his face in wet strands.

I opened the door and moved over to the middle. Despite the truck only being meant for three people, we somehow managed to fit all four of us into the cab.

"You got the stuff?" I asked, taking the grocery bag from Ashton's hand. I peered inside and smiled when seeing boxes of hair dye, packages of needles, and bottles of ink.

Calum and Michael soon followed after Ashton, leaving Calum in the driver's seat as we sped down the road to a motel.

"Stay in the truck." Michael said, getting out and walking slowly up to a room door farthest away from the office. He knocked on the door, like he does every time we come to these places, and smiled before getting a pin from his pocket. He unlocked the door and peered around inside before waving us over.

"There's only one bed, but there's a full size bathroom and bar vouchers on the table." He said, opening the door and letting us before closing it after him and locking the deadbolt and chain.

Ashton threw the grocery bag at Calum, who put it next to the sink in the bathroom for later. "So we're really doing this?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't we? It's our only choice." I said, looking at the slips of paper in my coat pocket. Plane tickets.

"We should probably get started." Michael said, throwing a notepad at each of us and a quarter for a pay phone call. "What's our plan?"

"I'll go to the park or somewhere there's a lot of people and use the blank gun. Ashton, you can make a scene and carry my body away or something." Calum said, scribbling down his suicide note.

"I'll stay here and call my parents and then the front desk. I'll make a few slits in my wrists to make it believable and pretend I swallowed a bottle of pills. I'll just flush them down the toilet or something." I said. "Then when they take me to the front office, Michael you can take me away and say you're a family member."

Michael was busy writing down his own note as he spoke. "I'll leave my note at a bridge and then call the police from a pay phone saying I'm about to jump."

"I'll rig the truck to drive into a river." Ashton simply said.

"Remember the rest?" Michael asked.

We all nodded gravely. We knew the plan. Fake our own deaths, change our appearances, go to different part is the country, and fly to London under fake identification.

"Right." Michael said. "Lets do this."

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