Mom's Purse Peanut Butter Crackers. Making My Life Better Since 2000.

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There was no food at the conference.

Absolutely none. Nada. Zilch.

I think I might've died if it hadn't been for the peanut butter crackers in mom's purse. What was it with mom's and peanut butter crackers in their purses? And why are they so damn tasty?

   I sat in one of the chairs in the back, munching on the peanut butter crackers. Parker sat next to me, and our parents sat somewhere in the front of the auditorium they were using. The main speaker was currently speaking, meanwhile Parker and I sat in the back on our phones, me eating peanut butter crackers.

After, like, thirty minutes, they broke off into their separate sessions. I knew my mom was going to the one that was teaching about child services, and my dad was going to the one for mediating.

Meanwhile I stayed behind with Parker.

"Let's do something." Parker said.

"No." I said, texting Gemma about how there wasn't any food there, and I had to survive off of Mom's purse peanut butter crackers.

"Why?" Parker asked.

"Because I want to sit here, eat peanut butter crackers, and waste my life on my phone, then go home." I said.

"Bitch." Parker muttered. And then a mischievous look crossed his face. "I wonder if the bitch can run." He said, and suddenly snatched my phone.

"Hey!" I shouted, but Parker was sprinting through the auditorium to get to the doors.

I ran after him, my peanut butter crackers dropped to the floor, and forgotten. That jackass just took my phone.

I wasn't fast, and I was out of breath by the time I exited the auditorium. Man I was out of shape.

   I continued chasing after him, fallowing him through the maze of the huge conference building. They actually made buildings for conferences.

"Parker!" I yelled after him. He continued running, he rounded a corner, and a few seconds later, I followed him.

He was at the end of the hall, leaning against the wall, scrolling through my phone smirking. The little fucker wasn't even out of breath.

I ran over to him, and began fighting him for my phone. He was reading my texts between Gemma and I.

" you've got a tumblr?" He asked. "That where you read all your smut?" He teased, pushing me with one had, and holding the phone over his head with the other, and angling it so he could still read it.

"Give it back, Parker!" I yelled, and finally wrapped my hand around it, but he pushed me down, and took a few steps back. I stared up at him from where I was on the floor. Ow.

I got up, and thought about tackling he's a football player. He'd be waaaay to strong.

"Give it back you son of a bitch." I snarled.

"Do you have a crush on Gemma? Do you?" He asked laughing. "Of how about...Sharon! Or Hannah! Or Brooke! God, Sawyer, you're such a player." He said.

"Give it back, jackass!" I yelled again. He laughed, and gave the phone back to me. I snatched it over of his grip, and shoved it in my pocket. "Bitch." I muttered.

" you wanna do something now?" He asked. I very nearly punched him in the face.

"Fuck off." I said, and started walking away.

I heard him jogging to catch up to me, laughing.

"It was a joke, Sawyer." He said.

"What if I just stole your phone and started going through your texts, twat?" I asked.

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