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"Sarah, I'm sorry. Okay?" I seemed to be begging for her forgiveness. "Sorry, isn't going to take away what you did." She wouldn't even get out of the car, her seatbelt was still in place around her. I'm so stupid, I had a weakness for Sam and I couldn't say no to him. "Please come inside, we're all waiting for you." I leaned into the car window. "Lauren, you fucking just moved us in with them and I didn't even have a say so in this! I'm not living with them, they're strangers to us." She raised her voice. "They're only strangers if you make them strangers." My voice was low as I gave up walking away.

"I'll go out there and try." Colby had confidence in himself as he stood up from the couch. "It's no use, she's beyond pissed." I sighed, returning to my seat next to Sam. "I can try though, right?" He walked out the door, not even waiting for my answer. Damn it, Colby. He's gonna get her more irritated with me than she already is.

"May I get into your car?" I still tried to make some light of the moment as I poked my head into the passenger side window. I heard the locks click, unlocking, taking that as a yes. "What's wrong?" I asked her, she didn't once face my direction. Her arm rested in the window with her hand frustratingly covering her eyes. "Cliché question, I know." I added, hoping to get at least something that time. "I'm fine." she took in a breath of air, letting both of her arms fall to her lap. "Sarah..." I turned my entire body towards her. "Colby..." She turned her body towards me, mocking me. I chuckled, "You see, you do this thing and I..." "I do what?" she cut me off. "You piss me off but at the same time I can't be mad at you." "I have that effect on people." she shrugged. "Come on." I opened the car door. "I'm not going inside." she still held her signature attitude. "I never said we were going inside." "Then where are we going?" She still didn't step out of the car. "It's a surprise." I smirked as I was now on her side of the car grabbing her hand.

"Where are we?" she laughed as I parked the car. "I always come here when I just need time to think or to just loose, ya know?" I watched as she looked up, taking in the view of the old water tower as the sunset shined dimly behind it. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked softy, looking at me with wonder. "Why wouldn't I?" I smiled before getting out of the car. "Come on." she followed after me. "You go all the way up there?" she stopped at the bottom of the ladder. "Come on, you'll be okay. I'm right here." I reached my hand down from where I was on the ladder and pulled her up to the first step. When we got to the top I sat down and hung my feet over the edge, the railing right below my chest. She sat next to me but I noticed how her eyes remained tightly shut. "You good?" I gently pulled her hands from her face. "I'm not a fan of heights," her voice shook. "Especially when it's windy." "You're fine. Just relax, look at me." I tried to soothe her as I moved closer to her. "Colby, I..."
"Shh, just focus on the sunset." I studied her nervous features closely. I watched as she sucked in a sharp breath of air, when she let it go her breath was visible due to the coldness of the air.

Minutes passed before I thought it was the right time to break the silence. "You're the only person I've ever brought here." I quietly admitted, my eyes still focused on the disappearing sun. "Why me of all people?" She questioned, her gaze fixated on the same place as mine. "You needed it." I shrugged. "I didn't to be honest." she showed no emotions in her words. "Admit that you feel better than you did when we got here." I tried to get her to show something. "Fine, I feel better." She looked down at her hands. "But it's not from sitting up here on this rusty old water tower." she finished, looking up at me. "Then how?" I looked back at her. "Because you're the one that brought me here." Her voice was shy and hesitant but I could hear the honesty in her words. "And why is that?" I tried to hide the smile creeping upon my face. "You care about how I feel." she focused her eyes back on the sky, the sun resting right at the horizon now. I followed where her gaze was set before turning my attention back to her. "Sarah?" I took in a deep breath, it's too late to turn back now. "Yeah?" she looked into my eyes and I couldn't say it. "Never mind, it's stupid." I shook my head. "Tell me." she pried. "Why was it such a big deal about living with us? Like, is there something about us?" I regretted my words, feeling as though I completely humiliated myself. "No, oh God, Colby no. It has nothing to do with you two, you and Sam are amazing, it's just something I don't find easy to do." she swallowed, looking down at her hanging feet. "What don't you find easy to do?" I pushed. "Don't worry about it, it's nothing important. Okay?" Her hand found it's way to my cheek, but I could tell that her smile was forced. I didn't say another word after that, I left everything to end right there.

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