A friend

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Hazel opened her eyes. Were am I? I looked around the small room. By the wall next to me were bookshelves. A dresser. Two doors. How did I get here? I tried to remember...oh. The attack. Me blacking out. The Man From The Statues grabbing me. Why did he bring me here? Why is he going to do too me? I threw off the blanket and looked at my leg. It was bandaged. It hurt like hell too. I tried to stand and yelped. Suddenly The Man walked in. Whoops. I stared at him. This was the first time I could see him clearly. He stared right back. He had a white T-shirt, black sash, black pants and shoes. His jet-black hair was sticking up on one side. His light blue eyes stared at me with fear. And if you looked closely, terrible pain and sadness, as well as a haunted look, deep inside. He hesitated. "My name is Armen." He said softly, carefully, "I'm not going to hurt you." I blinked. Is he...is he being nice to me?! T took the dagger out of my boot and pointed it at him. "Why did you bring me here?"I demanded. He blinked. "You were hurt. I couldn't just leave you to die." "Why do you care?!?! You burned all those city's!!! You didn't care about them!! Your a murderer!!" He looked ready to cry. "I'm not a murderer. I didn't do nothing. I never burned anything!" I stared at him. "Then why is your statue in the ruins?!" I demanded. "I don't know! All I know is it wasn't me!" I studied him again. He didn't seem like a murderer....he seemed more like a lost boy, desperate for a friend. I wonder how long he has been alone. At that moment I decided. This wasn't The Man from the Statues. This was Armen, my friend.

"So...do you live here?" I asked Armen. He nodded. We were sitting by the fire, eating mutton. He kept looking at me strangely, like he wanted to cry. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He blinked. "Sorry, it's just...You remind me so much of him!" Armen broke down and started to cry. I slid over and put my arm around him. He cried into my shirt. "So much of who?" I asked softly. Armen blinked and sat up. "My best friend. A guy named Drake. He's a Ender hybrid, like you." I gasped. "You know another Ender hybrid?! We're is he?!?" Armen sighed. "I don't know. Last I saw him..." Armen's voice trailed off, replaced by a look of pain. I got the feeling last time wasn't a good time. "I'm sorry." I said softly. He sighed and reached for another piece of mutton. There was none left. "I'll go get more mutton." I offered. "Sure," Armen said dully, "it's in a chest in my room." I blinked. "I didn't see a chest in that room." Armen looked up. "My rooms the next one." "Oh." I walked past the room I've been staying in and into Armen's room. It was set up the same way, except there were two chests; one to my left, and one by his bed. On the dresser was a picture. I turned to the one on the left and opened it. Wrong one. There was nothing in that chest except an old leather book. I took it out. Written on the cover was two words: I'm Sorry. There were red stains that I hoped were just ketchup. I opened the book and gasped at the words written inside. It said-

I killed them Armen




I turned the page. It was blank. I turned it again, still blank. I kept turning the pages untel I found writing on the last two pages the first said-

You are next

The second said-

Look behind you

I looked behind me. No one there. "Armen?!" I shouted nervously. "What is it?"  Armen walked into the room. As soon as he saw what I was holding, a dozen expressions flashed across his face: pain, fear, worry. He walked over and took the book from me. "That's nothing." He mumbled, putting the book in the chest. "Nothing?!?! Armen, someone wants to kill you!! How is that nothing?!?!" He groaned. "It's...it's a long story." I frowned. "I have the time." "I don't want to talk about it." Armen picked up the photo on the desk. It was a of a boy- brown hair, blue T-shirt, baby blue eyes, blue jeans. Armen's eyes filled with tears. I walked over. "Who is that?" I asked softly, sitting next to him. "My brother." Armen replied sadly. I got the feeling something terrible must have happened to him. He looked familular..."what's his name?" I found myself asking. "Collin." Armen replied. Collin...that name is familular too. Armen yawned. "I'm gonna go to bed. You can take Collins room...that's the one you were sleeping in." I frowned. "He's out traveling, or.." "He's dead." Armen replied quickly. A tear traced it's way down his cheek. I gasped. "Armen I'm so sorry." I said softly, then walked out of the room. I think I've upset him enough for one night.

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