A happy and sad reunion

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Hazel gasped as Drake fell, unconscious. Armen ran past me to Drakes side. "What's wrong with him?" Armen asked, panicked. "I don't know." Grason said desperately. "He has no visible wounds." I should feel his magic...but I don't. Then I realized it. "He's out of mena! Grason, a Mage can't live without mena!"

Grasons eyes grew wide. "How does a Mage get mena?" "Normally we get it by being near magic temples or buildings. This pillar had mena, but it's too slow! I'll have to give him some of mine!" Armen's eyes were wide. "Wait, Drake is a Mage?!?!" Grason stared at Armen. "You didn't know?" "No." I opened my hand and summoned my magic. My hand surrounded in a white glow. I sent some into Drakes body. It lurched forward as the magic settled in him. Now I could feel his power. Wow. It was very strong. Stronger than mine. The others stared. "Ugg. My head." I heard a voice moan. I looked down and saw Drakes eyes were open. And staring at me. "Hi." I told him, "I'm Hazel." He blinked. "Drake." He muttered, sitting up and staring at us. Miya ran up and hugged him. Suddenly I heard laughing. I looked behind me and got the surprise of a lifetime. Armen was laughing. I have never seen him laugh before. I glanced at Drake. He was staring at Armen, and looked like he was seeing a ghost! "A-Armen?!?" Drake stammered. Armen ran up and hugged Drake. "B-But...you were dead!! I felt your life force die! How...How are you here?!?" Wait, Felt his life force die? That's not normal...not even for a Mage. Armen blinked. "I'm here. I didn't die. You saved me." "B-But-" "Drake," Grason said, "just go with it." Drake blinked. "Ok.." He muttered. "Come on." I said, "I don't know how long the hole I put in the force field is going to last. We should go." Drake stared at me. "You put a hole in the force field?" I nodded. "Hope you don't mind." "Oh I don't." He said with a grin. We turned and went through the hole. When it was Drakes turn, he ran at the whole, but was blasted back on contact. "Ouch." Drake muttered, rubbing his head. What...then I saw the marks on the ground. I leaned over and studied them. It was a Trapping Spell! A powerful one too. But that means...

I stared at Drake. "You didn't make that force field, did you?" He shook his head. "Wait," Grason said, "doesn't that mean that someone trapped Drake here?" I nodded. Suddenly Drake fell, screaming as he grabbed his head. "Drake!" I ran over and put his head in my lap. He was barely breathing. I summoned some magic and started a healing spell. I soon located the source of the problem. I pulled his T-shirt down. "What are you doing?" Armen demanded. "Look." I said, pointing at his neck. The others gathered around. Miya gasped. "What's that?!?"  Around Drakes neck was a netherrack and obsidian collar. Like something a prisoner would wear. I tried to pull it off, but it was imbedded in Drakes neck. Armen looked ready to cry. "Who would do this?" Grason looked uneasy. "Well, if you think about it..."  Miya's eyes widened.  "You don't think...you don't think He did this to Drake, do you?" Grason frowned. "That's exactly what I think." I paused. "Wait, who is He?" They stared at me. "Maybe we'll tell you later." Grason told me. "I don't really want to talk about it right now." I nodded. "Well, we have to get this collar off. It's the reason he can't leave." I told them. Armen nodded. "How do you take it off?"  "I think I might be able too. Give me a minute."

A minute later

"It's off!" I declared.  I picked Drake up and walked out the force field. Armen ran up to me.  "Is he..." "He's fine Armen." I told him with a smile. We walked up to the rest of the group, who were eating mutton. I set Drake in the grass. "He'll be ok." I told the others. "Thank Notch and pass the hot sauce!!" "What's that supposed to mean?" Miya asked Armen. "It means pass the hot sauce. I'm still hungry." Grason laughed and tossed a jar of hot sauce to Armen. He grinned as he poured a little on his mutton. I sat in the grass and grabbed some mutton. "I think we should stay here the night. It's getting late." Armen nodded. Everyone finished their mutton and went to bed. I looked at Armen. "You going to bed?" Armen shook his head. "I don't want to leave him unguarded for a minute." He said, pointing at Drake. I nodded. "Well, goodnight." "Goodnight."

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