Chapter 3: Ambushed

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"Tae-Yeon? Tae-Yeon!?" Sora shook his shoulders, cradling him in her arms. Elder Mundok and Hak ran into the room at the commotion.

"What's wrong?"

"He suddenly collapsed!" Yona answered in a panic.

"H-He's having an attack," Sora commented, brushing some hair out from his eyes. "Once he takes his medicine he'll be fine, but the merchants who were supposed to bring it haven't arrived yet."

"I'll go check it out." Tae-Woo turned around but was suddenly greeted by a man at the door.

"It's an emergency!" he exclaimed. "The merchants were attacked on their way here! They're all seriously injured."

"Then we've lost our means of acquiring water?"

"But Tae-Yeon..." Yona grasped his hand. She looked up at Hak with worry, frantically wondering, "What about Tae-Yeon's medicine?"

It seemed all hope was lost for that minute when nobody spoke. But that was until Han-Dae entered, placing a hand on Yona's head.

"Okay, okay! Calm down, you hot-blooded idiots! The most important thing right now is Tae-Yeon's medicine, isn't it? I'll go to the doctor in the eastern forest and get some medicine," he problem solved.

"You're going with those injuries?" Sora doubted.

Han-Dae chuckled haughtily, "I'm the fastest rider in the Wind Clan." Winking at Hak, he asked, "You okay with that, young lord? Leave it to Han-Dae!"

Hak grinned in return, instructing, "Haggle down the price of the medicine." Once Han-Dae fled out the door, Hak turned to everyone with a powerful gaze. "Listen, everyone. I understand your rage, but the Fire Tribe is strong. I won't let you start a war with them now. I promise I'll do something about this. Just because the river dried up, it's not like us to shrivel up. Entrust your lives to me and wait quietly. Those are the orders of Son Hak, Chief of the Wind Clan."

Admiring their young lord, everyone scrambled away with a better attitude than before.

That night, as everyone else of the Wind Clan lay in their beds, Sora remained awake by Tae-Yeon's side. He, along with Elder Mundok, were the closest people to family she's had since waking up in that forest three months ago. She wanted to be there for them no matter what.

Sora ran her fingers through Tae-Yeon's hair, occasionally stroking his cheeks. She massaged his scalp and hummed a soft lullaby, sitting by the soft glow of the candlelight. Though she heard the door slide open, she didn't turn to see who it was.

"You know you don't have to stay up with him, right?" Hak's voice interrupted the quiet, making Sora grin softly.

She shrugged. "I care too much about the kid," she sighed, hands resting on his cheeks.

"Oh? I've been meaning to ask, but why have you taken such a liking to my brother?" His heavy footsteps approached her, stopping by the wall at the foot of Tae-Yeon's futon.

"Well...he's the closest thing to family I've got. I've always kinda liked the idea of being an older sister, anyway, but the thing is...I don't even remember if I'm am older sister." Her expression turned glum.

This piqued Hak's interest. "You don't remember?" he inquired.

She shook her head in answer. "I don't know anything about me. Well, save for today when I touched Princess Yona's forehead."

"What happened?"

"Beats me," she chuckled. "All I saw were these mix-matched images of me in my lifetime. Whether it be fighting in a war or..." Sora had to laugh at this next bit, "controlling lightning or fire."

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