Chapter 5: Saved

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After explaining her situation (and talking dragon) to both Yun and Princess Yona, everything seemed to make a whole lot more sense. Well, partially. Slightly. Just a little bit. Not really.

"Hak. Where's Hak?" Yona asked frantically.

Yun rose his brows. "Hak?" he wondered. "Oh, that black haired man you were with? He's over there." Standing up, he pointed over to the right. Sure enough, there was a bruised and bandaged Hak lying just a few feet away. The two girls rushed over to him.

"He's alive, just barely," Yun answered Yona's question about his health. "He had a cut on his chest and he's bruised all over. A bunch of his ribs are broken, too. He lost so much blood. If he'd received treatment any later, he would've died."

"But we both turned out fine?" Sora mumbled with confusion, her brows creased in thought. She examined his body. Noticing he was sweating, she placed a hand to his forehead; it was burning hot. "A fever, too?"

"Well, like I said before, I'm betting that you're some freak with magic healing abilities," he remarked offhandedly, though his comment made Sora twitch. "I'm still amazed you're alive, too, considering you fell into the lake where I found them. You were out cold when I finally managed to get you out. You're lungs should've been filled with water at that point, causing you to –well– die, but you were fine."

At this point, Yun's story didn't phase Sora. She could bend fire and conduct lightning. Why should she be so surprised about being able to heal herself?

"As for him, he probably protected you during your fall," he said, directing his comment at Yona.


"He was holding you when you fell. What really cushioned your fall was your small descent thanks to Sora's fire abilities, but the trees must've also helped," Yun answered. He looked at Yona rather icily, questioning, "Why is he so devoted to you? Is he your lover?"

"No, not at all." The princess shook her head casually, causing Sora to giggle.

"Huh...I feel bad for him..." Yun mumbled. Sora's chuckles grew louder. Yun turned to look at her and his harsh stare almost immediately silenced her laughter. "Anyway, I suggest you try kissing him or something. Maybe through skin contact you'll share your freak healing powers or something," Yun suggested to Sora, making her freeze up.

She waved her hand in front of her, cheeks lighting on fire (not literally), and quickly dismissed the idea, "N-No way! I doubt it would work." She didn't waste any time in changing the topic, asking, "I-Is this the bottom of the valley? Do you live here?"

"I guess." Yun shrugged.

"Are you a doctor? I'm looking for someone..."

"Yun! Yun! Listen! Listen to this!" a strange voice interrupted. It was light and airy, a sound that reminded Sora of a spring breeze. It was a tall man...covered in mud. He had curly light blonde hair tied in a ponytail, overgrown fringe obscuring his eyes. He wore a simple white robe locked in light yellow sash with white pants and a pair of straw sandals.

"I was praying for everyone's happiness when I slipped and fell..." And just then, the man tripped on nothing.

Sora smiled at his clumsiness. While the other three carried on their conversation, Sora made sure nobody was looking when she leaned down and kissed Hak's cheek. Who knows, maybe it would work. It didn't hurt to try. "Get well soon," she whispered, brushing her thumb over the back of his hand.

Suddenly, she heard a sniffle. Looking back, she saw the man crying. "It must have been very hard..." he whimpered.

Yona gazed at him in worry, assuring, "No, I didn't...Hak protected me from the fall."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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