Jessica: Chapter One

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I looked at my phone. 5:00 AM. I still had half an hour till my bus dropped me off. The school I was going to was really out of the way, in Connecticut, but was recommended. School started at 6:30 but for YouTube High, I needed to pick out my dorm and meet my dorm-mate. I was about to turn 17, in grade 12. I was an aspiring Minecraft YouTuber, on my channel Challenge Accepted Inc. I worked on it with my friends Jason, and Castor but Castor left to start his own later on. Jason now helps me with my channel.

I checked my phone again. 5:02. It was so early, I yawned. There were few people on the schoolbus with me. Jason sat across from me and a few other teens slept in the back.

"Jess," Jason said reaching over. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, totally!" I exclaimed. I met Jason in ninth grade at our old highschool. We started the channel together and later decided to apply for YouTube High. "Do I look okay?" I said panicking.

"Chill Jess." He said, touching my arm. "You look fine." I nodded and turned back towards the window.

I woke up at 5:58, when the bus arrived at YouTube High. It looked like every other school but there was a mini-mall next to it. Probably sold computers and stuff. I looked around. A tall girl with purple hair ran by with a spanish looking guy. A group of guys walked by, talking about cacti and slimes. I gasped. The campus was hardly crowded but still very popular. Jason started towards the administration office and I pulled my bag after him.

The guidance counselor, Ms H, gave me my room number, key, and a few other things like a map and student handbook. Jason shoved his in his bag and waved goodbye to me.

I found my room in the upper part of the dorms. I was in room 203 with a girl named Lizzie. I stepped in and found a pink-haired girl and a brown-haired boy hugging by the window. I cleared my throat.

"Oh! Hey there!" The girl exclaimed jumping away from the boy. I ignored it and extended my hand.

"I'm Jess."

"Lizzie." She said grinning. She had a British accent and some pretty mascara. I absentmindedly touched my black eyeliner. I've been wearing it for years now. "Oh, and that's Joel." She said, gesturing to the boy standing by the window.

"Hey." He said waving.

"Where are you guys from?" I asked as I put my suitcase on the empty bed. Lizzie had started to unpack her things on one side of the room and I took the other.

"Well, if you couldn't tell, I'm from England." Lizzie replied brushing her hair. "But I n,lived here for a year. Joel's pure British."

"Aye, there's nothing wrong with that." He pointed out. I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm from Texas." I said, smiling.

"Ooh." Lizzie said. "I want to go there."

"I liked it."

"I heard there's another Texan enrolled in year twelve." Joel said, leaning on the windowsill. "What year are you in?"

"Joel, they say grade here." Lizzie said rolling her eyes. "I'm in twelve. He's in twelve."

"Same here." I said.

"Well, this guy's name is Preston. Known as PrestonPlayz." Joel said, looking outside. "Heard of him?"

I hadn't. I shook my head.

"Well, he and his" He made air quotes. "pack are down the hall from me. Speaking of which." He looked at his watch. "I should go meet my dormmate. Ya know a Jason?"

I grinned. "I do, but he's in room 507."

"Dang. 605." Joel said laughing. He walked up to leave.

"Later Liz. Nice to meet you Jess."

Lizzie giggled and I fell back on my bed. This was going to be fun.


Hey everyone!

So yeah, I decided to write that highschool fanfic. Sorry, I know it's more of a collage with teens in it but that just makes the story more exciting, no?

Anyways, comment below if you like it and tell me which youtubers I've mentioned so far.

HINT: There's two Jasons mentioned.



Nicole <3

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