Tiffany: Chapter Four

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It's lunch. Mario and I are walking hand in hand to the football field to eat. Yammy and Stacey are already there and Stacey has a Dunkin' Donuts box on her lap.

"Where's Aurey?" I say. I notice Lizzie's not here either seconds after I mention Aureylian.

"She's gonna be here soon." Yammy says.

"Joel and Lizzie are waiting for Lizzie's roommate." Stacey says. I hear a noise behind me and turn to see Lizzie, Joel, and Jess make their way towards our spot on the bleachers.

"Hey Jess!" I call. Mario looks up and waves.

"Sorry guys. We got lost." Lizzie says panting. She and Joel sit down in front of Yammy and I. Jess awkwardly sits beside Lizzie and pulls out her purple lunch.

"Again?" Stacey says laughing. Joel play-punches her and we start to eat. About ten minutes later Stacey opens her Dunkin' Donuts box to reveal a dozen colorful donuts.

"Stacey gimme!" Yammy calls as she reaches over for a donut. Stacey passes her the box laughing and holds it out for the rest of us.

"Donuts on me!" Stacey calls passing around her box.

"Oh, Stace, you didn't need to!" Lizzie says taking a sprinkled donut.

"Ya what're these for?" I say biting into a fluffy Boston Cream.

"Just a little celebration that we've made it this far in our channels." Stacey says beaming. "Leave some for Joey and Erin."

"Thanks Stacey." Mario says. Once Stacey gets the box back she offers one to Jessica who reaches for a Chocolate Dipped. Erin appears with Joey jogging behind her. They happily accept donuts from Stacey and sit down beside Joel.

"So how was everyone's first two days?" Stacey says. She smiles when we bombard her with 'goods'.

Ever since I met Stacey at a gaming convention she's been sort of the Mom of our group. Before we met Stacey I had no clue who Yammy and Lizzie were. She brought us together so now our group is pretty big. Yammy, Lizzie, Joel, Erin, Joey, Stacey and I. A few other people joined us every once in a while like SeaPeeKay or Ashley. We sometimes get vloggers too. Connor Franta and Zoe Sugg join us every so often.

"What classes did you have?" Lizzie asks.

"On day one?" Yammy asks. There are six days, and the classes rotate. 123456, 612345, 561234, 456123, 345612, and 234561. I've barely memorized my classes and am still pulling out my phone to check the order. The class times are assorted but most of us have at least one hour for lunch at 12.


"Science, English, Math, Geo, Business, and Art." I say smiling.

"Of course Tiffany takes art!" Erin says rolling her eyes.

"Hey! I'm good at it!" I shoot back. She almost falls back laughing.

"I have History, English, Business, Science, French and Math." Lizzie says slowly, as if still trying to memorize them.

"Why are you taking French?" Yammy asks.

"Because I want to take French." Lizzie says.

"What do you have Jess?" Mario asks. I think they have Business together.

"Uhhh." Jess says looking up. "English, Science, Business, Math, and Drama." She counts her fingers. "Yeah."

"Did everyone take business?" Yammy asks. I shrug and Joel pulls out his iPad.

"Since it's a YouTube school it's recommended. Most people switch Business with Geography or History." Joel summarizes.

"Yeah, I think you only need to take Math, English, and Science." Jess pipes in.

"Well either way, taking Business is pretty smart since we all pretty much own businesses." Joey calls. A bell rings from the main building and I check my phone.

"Five to one." I say. I give Mario a quick hug and get up to go to Art.

The art room is the closest class I have to the girls dorms. It's also my favorite so far. Our art teacher Ms. Laurens is really fun. She's only 26 but is really artistic but fair. I take off my purple beanie as I enter the room and stuff it into my bag.

The room itself is large and messy. There's three doors in the back of the room. Ms. Laurens gave us a mini tour yesterday. The first is the 'wash room'. It's a play on the word washroom but it really just has a big sink and laundry machine. The second room is the supply closet. It's got about five different cabinets inside and it's still pretty unorganized. The third room is for the exec team. The Art Executives have a small room. Apparently it's an extra room but since Ms. Laurens has been here, she uses it as an 'Inspiration Room'. Every year, the executive team gets to sign their name.

I sit at one of the easels in the back and take out my pencils. Ms. Laurens provides most supplies but I like to bring my own.

I look at the wall clock and there are five minutes left of art. Yesterday we were assigned our first project of making a self portrait either sketching or painting. I'm just finishing my rough draft when a girl in my class walks over to my easel. I think she's in grade 11. She's pretty with short blond hair and big brown eyes. I think her name is Baylee.

"Hey, Tiffany is it?" She says.

"Yeah. Baylee?" I say.

"You got it!" She says flashing a thumbs up.

"Nice! What's up?"

"I just noticed your art. I'm on the Art Exec team and I think you should join, maybe as grade 12 rep?" Baylee smiles and I look at my sketch. I think it's pretty good though I could touch it up for my good copy.

"Really?" I ask looking at her. She nods excitedly.

"Yeah go for it! I was grade 10 rep last year. It's fun to be involved in planning and you meet tons of new people." She's grinning and her enthusiasm makes me smile too.

"Think about it Tiffany. You're good enough and you seem friendly so you just need to make a small speech. It's not too hard. And it's only if no one else tries."

"Thanks Baylee." I say smiling.

"No problem!" Baylee says. The bell rings signaling next period and Baylee grabs her already-packed bag and leaves the room.

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