Jessica: Chapter Six

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Ross finds me as I'm leaving the dormitories.

"Hey, Jess." He says waving. He stops to let me catch up to him, and I jog towards him. We have English first today.

"So Alesa invited you to lunch with us today?" He asks. He asks the question so nonchalantly that I sort of just stare at him a few seconds.

"Jess?" He asks again.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I say pulling my hair behind my ears. "Yeah, I'm coming. Is that okay?"

"Of course!" He says quickly.

"Alesa doesn't hate me right?" I say. He jumps back.

"No! No, no God, no!" Ross says. I laugh a little at how defensive he is. "Why did you think that?"

"My roommate likes to gossip." I say simply. I'm relieved I can go home and tell Lizzie she's crazy. I'm also kind of happy that Alesa doesn't have a problem with me.

"No, she actually thinks you're really nice." Ross continues.

"Really?" I exclaim. "That's great!"

"Yeah. I'm glad you guys get along. Just don't tell her I told you she thinks you're nice." He says looking down.

"I won't." I say smiling. "So Olive Garden, huh?"

"Yep." Ross says as we turn a corner. "It's one of our traditions at Sky Offices." I look at him and he chuckles. "Oh, yeah. I forgot you were new to our group. It's sort of an inside joke. Once we graduate, we're going to rent an office and work there together."

"That sounds great!" I say. I'm glad they're good friends. We round the corner to the English hallway and pass Tiffany. I wave and Ross and I walk into the half-full classroom.

"Jess!" Adam says as we walk in, completely ignoring Ross who shrugs it off.

"Hey, Jess." Jin says. I take my seat in front of Adam and Ross sits down beside him.

"Hey, guys." I say grinning. I sling my bag off my shoulder and on the floor next to my desk. I pull out my notebook and pencil case and sit up, ready to learn. I smile when I see Tiffany passing our door to go to her science class.

"So, uh." Adam stutters. I turn around. "Alesa invited you to Olive Garden with us?" I couldn't tell what the look on his face was. It looked like excitement and I smiled at the thought of all my new friends sitting together at a table. Lizzie would be gossiping, of course. Jason and Ross would sit together and joke around. I snapped out of my daydream in a few seconds, a girl across the room burst out laughing.

"Yeah, I'm excited," I say laughing.

"Rossome!" Ross says flashing his signature thumbs-up. I laugh and turn around in time to see the teacher close the door.

It's almost 11:30 and I'm waiting where Alesa asked me to, under the apple tree near the dorm rooms. I'm listening to some of Minecraft Universe's music. That's the channel that Jason from drama runs. Jason Probst. He could do wonderful things when he's older. He makes mixes on his channel and I'm listening to the latest one when I hear a familiar voice.

"Jess!" She says. I pull out my earbuds and turn around to see a familiar girl walking towards me. I recognise her as Bianca from my math class. Stacey's friends with her, and she eats with us a lot.

"Hey, Bee!" I call laughing. She's wearing a yellow and black striped shirt, a part of her channel, HeyImBee.

"What're you doing here?" She says. "You usually eat with us!"

"I'm going to Olive Garden with my friends." I say.

"Ooh! Have fun!" She says. She turns and skips away. "Bye Honey!"

I laugh, this BEEing another reference to her channel.

"Jess!" Alesa calls to me. I get up and pull on my purple shoulder bag.

"Coming!" I exclaim jogging towards her. She's walking with a tall guy who's grinning at me. He has stubble on his chin and a wide smile.

"Jessica, Barney." Alesa says motioning towards us. "Barney, Jess. Like the dinosaur." She adds when I give her a weird look.

"It's a nice to meet you, Jess." Barney says. We shake hands and Alesa leads us away from campus.

We meet the rest of the people along the way. Adam, Jin, Ross, Jason Probst, and a few other guys wait inside the restaurant.

"So everybody," Alesa says when we get there. "This is Jessica." I smile and wave to everyone. "I think you know Ross and Jin. This is Max, Tim and Ian. Good to see ya, Ian!" She exclaims. She leads me around the host desk and introduces me to the various people in the 'Sky Offices'.

We mingle until the waitress gets here. She looks familiar, and it's only when Ross exclaims 'Shelby' do I know why.

"Hey, guys!" She says happily. "Table for... ten?"

"Just grab us a huge table, Megan." Adam says. Shelby sighs and leads us away to a huge booth in the back. I glance at Ross who mouths 'inside joke'. I smile and sit down next to Alesa.

"So how was everyone's week so far?" Adam asks after we've ordered.

"Well, it was fun." Jason says. "Lots of new people, that's for sure."

"Very true. I'm glad we can all hang out though." Ian says.

"Yeah." Alesa adds smiling.

"Oh, Jin!" Ross exclaims leaning over Max who smacks him on the side of his face. "I found a club you'd like."

"This better not be another Asian heritage club!" Jin sighs. "Our middle school one was good, but last years was terrible."

"Nope." Ross says grinning. "Well, sort of."

"Just tell him, Ross!" Adam says impatiently. Ross looks around the table and realizes everyone is listening to him.

"Anime club. I was thinking of joining too." Ross says. I smile. It sounds like fun, and I've watched a few animes myself. Attack on Titan for sure, and I've listened to Hatsune Miku.

"Yeah, Ross!" Jin exclaims reaching over Max for a high five.

"Do they have Attack on Titan?" Adam asks before I can.

"Yeah, at least, they have posters for it."

"I'm in." Adam says. Slapping the table with a weird grin on his face.

"Yeah I wanna come." I say.

"Jess, you like anime?" Jin asks. I probably know him the worst out of Ross, Alesa, Adam and him.

"Yeah! Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan, I watch tons of anime!" I exclaim naming the ones I watched last night while Lizzie was asleep.

"Awesome!" Tim says.

Soon everyone starts talking to each other. Ross, Jin and I about anime, and Max and Tim about their Tech exam. Adam, Jason, and Ian are talking about their old group, Team Crafted. Alesa takes pictures with Barney making silly faces at her iPhone. Shelby brings our food and we're laughing like little kids. I look forward to meeting more friends like them.



I've been so busy lately with school and now the Holidays! Happy Holidays everybody! Sorry this is so late! 

Anyways, I've been good. :) I recently got 3k on my Instagram @nicole_of_scaleswind ! The link is in my profile :) I stay up until 11 reading and writing. I'm thinking of startin another Highschool story, but this time MCD. Is that too much? That's my problem, I have too many ideas and not enough time.

Anyways, comment below what you want me to do. I was also thinking of doing a gender bend dare on my Truth or Dare story, which seems really neglected. Thanks for reading, Little foxes! :D

Much love! :3 <3


-Nicole <3

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