Jessica: Chapter Five

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The farther I get into the week the harder my classes get, and the less exciting the people are. Lizzie and I are walking to the one class we have together, business. I spent lunch with Jason today and he introduced me to some more people he met, Parker and Jordan. I'm not sure if Jason will drift away from me. I hope it doesn't happen. He's just meeting so many new friends.

"So." Lizzie says, interrupting my thoughts. "How are you liking YouTube High so far?"

I shrug and smile. "It's awesome. I like how everyone has common interests. Also we're all pretty outgoing and friendly if we have channels."

Lizzie smiles. "So true. I'm glad I got the experience of meeting you all. Now I know I'm not the only person who's a purple freak." She says gesturing to my purple Jansport backpack. Lizzie has a magenta backpack but she wears a lavender scarf that compliments her light pink hair. I noticed earlier, we both love purple. I laugh with her.

"Do you remember everybody's name in this class?" Lizzie says as we pass the hallway with Tiffany's math class. She smiles when we wave at her. "There's too many classes. They should really split them up better."

"True. Six is a random number."

"Oh well."

A few minutes later we approach the door to our classroom with a mental list of names. Adande, Ashley, Emma, Lilly, Connor, Max, Benjamin, Alesa, and so on.

"Hey Jess!" Alesa calls. I freeze for a fraction of a second before remembering that I'm in public.

"Were you flirting with Adam again?" Lizzie whispers earning her a small kick.

"You're not making the situation any better." I mutter back. Lizzie turns and sits with Ashley I walk slowly over to Alesa. She pats the chair next to her and I make my way over.

"Hey Alesa." I say sitting down.

"Jessica." She says smiling. "Challenge Accepted. How's Castor, by the way?" I think back to Castor, one of the crazy friends Jason and I started our channel with. He left when he had to move last year, Satiel's gone too. We all kept in touch though.

"He's good." I say averting my eyes. "I wish he were here though."

"Yeah." Alesa says. He lowers her head and tucks her bright red hair behind her ear. "I met him once, at Pax a few years ago. Quite a character."

I catch Lizzie's eye, who's watching me from across the room. Ashley and her share a look and start to giggle. I mouth what to them. They don't answer.

"So. Jess." Alesa says. "Are you friends with Adam?" My eyes widen and I gulp.

"Um, I think." I say shyly. "I only met him a week ago."

"Glad you are." She says. I almost breath a sigh of relief. "So I guess I'll see you around at lunch with us one day."

"Of course!" I say laughing.

"How about Friday? We're going to Olive Garden. They have a cute little take out place by the park. Bring about 20 dollars."

I smile when I realize she doesn't hate me. "Of course." I say. She smiles and we work on our research project.

"Alesa invited you to lunch?" Lizzie screams.

"Shut up Lizzie."

We're on our beds. It's almost eleven at night but Lizzie likes gossip. The lights are out and we're both ready for bed.

"Yeah. it's no big deal." I say shrugging it off. I'm lying in bed trying to sleep, though Lizzie is spamming me with questions. Funny. I didn't think you could spam people without a device. Lizzie makes everything possible somehow.

"So was she like, nonchalant? Does she hate you?" Lizzie speaks with excitement though the subject isn't actually that interesting.

"I don't think she hates me." I say. It's true. Alesa seemed way nicer than Lizzie made her sound like.

"She's so popular! Ooh! Do you think you could figure out what eyeliner she uses?"

I roll my eyes.

"I just love it! Oh my God, I'm sure like half the girls at this school want to be Alesa Clark!" Lizzie rolls onto her back and stares at the ceiling. Personally, I think she's a little starstruck. I watched a few of Adam's videos and they were actually pretty funny. Mostly because of Jin, Ross, and their friend Barney. Like the dinosaur. Alesa isn't that big of a deal. She's got her group, everyone else has their own. Her group is just big. She's intriguing.

"I'm sure there are girls who don't care about Alesa." I sigh closing my eyes.

"Okay, fine."

"Can I sleep now?"

"If you promise to tell me everything about your date with Adam." Lizzie says. My eyes snap open and I can see her smirking.

"It's. Not. A date." I grunt.

"I know, I'm just pulling your leg." Lizzie says lying down on her bed.

"His friends'll be there." I remind her.

"And Alesa."

"Alesa's his friend!" I say, exasperated. "Are we done yet?"


Lizzie's voice is so excited that I can't refuse. She's like a kid at a carnival. "Sure."

"Every little detail." She adds.

"Promise." I sigh.



MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I realized last chapter that I forgot to leave an authors note. So quick thing about the schedules, the schedules at my highschool are really confusing. Didn't want to explain it. So I basically made only 6 classes the whole year. Honestly I have no clue whether this is easier than mine or not. Probably.

Anyways, as usual, feel free to comment any YouTubers you recognise! I'll give you a hint for Emma, since it's such a common name. Emma Blackery. I recently started watching her and she's pretty entertaining :)

Feel free to leave a vote or check out my Instagram @nicole_of_scaleswind. Also, leave a comment if you want me to update (because sometimes I forgot I have two lives.)

Also, comment if you want me to update Minecraft Diaries Truth or Dare!

I'll try to do your suggestions, as after all, I DO want to be a better writer!

Love you all!!!

<3 Nicole

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