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jimin come back from school just to apologise to yoongi because he didn't like to owe something for so long. when he was about to walk to yoongi's house, yoongi came out to pick his stuff and he saw jimin.

jimin greeted him shyly and he didn't face yoongi, he just looked down.

"um hello," jimin bowed.

"um are you my neighbour and is it me that you are looking for yesterday? oh you look familiar i think i saw you somewhere but i can't remember." yoongi try to recall his memories back.

"a-ah yes we bumped into each other 2 days ago and i want to apologise to you properly because imessed up your stuff." jimin answered.

"it's okay, but hey look at me when you are talking,"

jimin is so shy to look at yoongi, he doesn't like to talk with strangers and he doesn't have a confidence to face new people.

jimin gather his strength to look up at yoongi, he is so immersed with yoongi's figure and face."i didn't know there's someone so beautiful stood in front of me and exist in this world," he said in his heart.

yoongi's eyes, his blonde hair, fair skin, everything is perfect for jimin although he is not-so-tall but jimin prefer this kind of height. this guy is his ideal type. he's so into yoongi and yes this is the reason why he's questioning his sexuality every time.

he's been staring into yoongi for awhile that he doesn't hear what yoongi says.

"hello?" jimin startled.

"ah-h y-yes sorry i didn't hear what you said," jimin blushed.

"by the way you can call me yoongi, min yoongi and i'm 21 years old," yoongi introduced himself.

"and what is your name?" he asked jimin with a soft smile.

"i'm jimin, park jimin and basically i'm younger than you and can i call you hyung, yoongi hyung?" jimin's heart beat a little faster this now.

"of course you can, you should." yoongi smiled to jimin showing his cute gums.

"this hyung is so cute," he said in slow tone.

"what?" yoongi asked him.

"nothing," jimin shook his head with a grin on his face. luckily, yoongi didn't hear what he said.

they both talked for awhile and jimin actually rejected the offer when Yoongi wants to get him some coffee in his house but jimin think that he has school tomorrow so he needs to sleep since its already late.

"bye hyung, goodnight and sleep well," jimin waved to the older.

"you too jiminnie goodnight and sleep well," yoongi just smiled.

jimin collapsed onto the bed with a blessful heart. he is so happy that he met yoongi and talked to him.

"yoongi hyung is really cute like so cute," jimin chuckles.

"that hyung aish i think i might fall again," he slapped himself lightly because of what he thinks just now. he puts the earbuds listening to some sentimental songs before going to sleep.

yoongi as well was thinking about jimin who called him hyung. he found that is cute actually and he wants jimin to call him hyung often. "what a cute neighbour i have," yoongi mutters before he went to sleep.

he woke up because of the alarm. he's so lazy to get off from bed as he wants to sleep more. but somehow he has something to do. it's7 a.m now. he made some simple breakfast and heads off to somewhere.

he reached his girlfriend's apartment. today is their 4th anniversary. yoongi actually prepared something for their special day. he to enter since he has a spare key. he walked on his toes just to make sure he's not waking up his girlfriend. he cooks some delicious yet simple breakfast and decorates the table to make it beautiful. he hangs the balloons and he placed a necklace that he bought earlier this morning on the table thats why he woke up early.

he entered her room slowly and kissed her forehead to wake up her. yoona stretches up her body and rubbed her eyes. she's so shocked that his boyfriend is in front of her. "good morning, baby. i'm here for our 4th anniversary," he kissed her forehead.

yoona felt so lost but she remembered today is the important day for her. yoongi dragged her out and she saw her living rooms were covered with beautiful ribbons and balloons.

yoongi asked her to sit on the chair to eat breakfast. she went near to yoongi and kissed him softly and he replied  her back.

"thank you for all of this i didn't expected that you will do this for me i'm-" yoona started to cry.

she's thankful to have someone like this in her life. yoongi wipes her tears with a soft kiss.

"no this is nothing. i made this just for my one and only queen that owns my heart, I love you so much," he kissed her cheeks, caressing her hair.

"no more cry lets eat your breakfast!" yoona sounds almost like shouted because she can't hide her happiness.

"you didn't eat?" yoona asked his beloved boyfriend.

"no i already ate and i want to see u eat i want to stare at you as much as I want," yoongi cannot believe that he actually being the real cheese.

"you're so cheesy lately omg yoongi,"

yoongi knows that lately he's being so cheesy and he doesn't know why.

"this is so delicious chef!yoongi," yoongi feels proud because yes he acknowledge that he's a great cook.

"i love you i can't wait when we get married, have children and a happy family. i can't wait for all those things to happen." yoona eyes cracked into tears.

yoongi quickly wipes her tears and pulled her into his arms, wrapping her body so she can rest in his chest.

"that thing will happen in our life, i promise," he kissed her head, still in hugging position dont want to let her go.

i don't know how can i live without you yoona please dont leave me.


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