Chapter THREE

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"The walls are moving! MOVING!!! That's awesome. Very awesome." Roxy said as the bricks began to move farther and farther apart.
       "After you." Harry said as he stepped out of the way for Roxy to walk past him. She stepped into diagon ally.
      "Is this wizard-vill?" joked Roxy. She glanced around the magical street.
"Whoa, is any of this even possible? Am I dreaming?"
       Harry Potter snickered. "I had the same feeling when I first got here. So where do you want to start? Oh we should probably go to the bank first. You have inherited your fathers money so you should have a pretty good amount of money."
       They walked over to Gringots, the wizard bank. Well, more like Harry walked and Roxy bounced and skipped.  When they walked in, Roxy was amazed by the goblins.
       "What are they?" She whispered in Harry's ear.
      "Goblins. They run Gringots. Just be nice, as they are cranky sometimes." Harry whispered back.
        "WE ARE NOT CRANKY!!!" shouted one of the tellers. Harry rolled is eyes and Roxy tried to suppress her giggles.
              When they got to the teller that was available, Harry said the name of Roxy's father. "Roy McGull" Roxy had heard the name over and over again.
        The teller grunted and said "Is this Roxy?" He pointed to Roxy. "Y-yes." she replied. "Right this way" the goblin scowled.
"Who was my father?" asked Roxy as the minecart came to a sudden stop. "Was he nice, funny, mean? Who was he?"
"He was a nice fellow. I met him once. We talked for a bit. He had loved your mother dearly, but the ministry wouldn't let him tell her about the wizarding world. He kept it secret. One day when he had mentioned something about magic to your mom, the ministry sent dementors to kill him. It was very cruel, especially since they wanted you to join Hogwarts in another twelve years," sighed Harry.
The goblin mumbled something to himself as he opened the door to the vault. A pile of coins stood in the center.
"He had quite a successful job in the ministry. That's why he had a lot of money before he left."
   "It's a lot of money so that makes since. I wish I could have known him." Said Roxy as she began to scoop up money into her purse.
      "Do you think this will be enough?" She said to Harry as she opened her purse to show the massive amount of money squished inside. Harry chuckled.
     "That's a great amount. That's way more then you need but always nice to keep extra." Replied Harry.
"Can we go now!!" Roxy said excitedly. "I want to get wizard stuff!!"
Harry chuckled and then nodded.
Roxy and Harry decided to go to the pet shop first. Roxy had always wanted a pet, but her mother said no several times. Now Roxy could finally get a pet like she had always dreamed of.
"Be sure to pick a good pet. A lot of them are a bit...... mischievous." Said Harry as he pushed open the door. The little bell on the door jingled as the two of them slipped inside.
Roxy was fascinated with all of the different animals. She kept running around from one cage to another. "Look at this one!" She exclaimed as she pointed to a rather small phoenix. The phoenix let out a squawk and then flapped its wings a few times.
"I want the phoenix!" said Roxy. She lifted up the cage and brought it over to the counter to purchase it.
"Phoenixes are very loyal birds. Now that Hogwarts allows them I'm sure several students will get them." said Harry. Roxy let the phoenix out of its cage and it climbed up onto her shoulder.
"I'll call you Flare!" giggled Roxy as Flare nibbled her shirt. She handed the person at the counter the money, one galleon, and they walked out of the store.
That's when a dark shadowy figure appeared in the streets.

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