Chapter FOUR

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Daigon ally was a frantic mess of screaming wizards. The dark shadowy figures descended down from the sky, sending Daigon ally into a disaster zone. Wizards and witches where scrambling about and screaming in terror, pushing and shoving one another to get to safety.
    "What are they?" Asked Roxy as Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the way of a large stampede of frightened wizards and witches.  
    "Dementors. I don't have enough time to explain just get to safety and meet me at the gringots." screamed Harry, trying to shout over the screams of people.
      Roxy nodded, but keeping promises was not her strong point. She ran into a back ally and watched the scene from her hiding spot in the shadows. Flare shivered on her shoulder, as he was obviously terrified. Roxy reached out a hand to pet his head and calm him down.
      "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" shouted Harry. Instantly a big blue stag leaped out of his wand.
Of course I forgot to buy a wand!
The stag seemed clear, with a soft blue tint to it, almost as if it was made of mist. I watched as it sent the cloaked figures flying across the darkened sky. It was a very elegant creature, and very loyal too, protecting its summoner against the hooded monsters.
I'll have to learn whatever this is later. This is really cool. Thought Roxy as the last of the creatures disappeared.
As Harry put his wand back into his pocket Roxy ran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug. "That was awesome!! I want to learn to do that!! That was AMAZING!!!!" exclaimed Roxy, letting go of Harry. He shrugged.
"It's really nothing," replied Harry as he scratched his head. "I wonder where they came from."
   "First of all, what were those?!?" asked Roxy. "They were SUUUPER scary!"
Harry sighed. "Dementors. They are controlled by the ministry, but the ministry wouldn't attack Diagon Alley. The ministry may be a cruel and heartless place but they would NEVER attack Diagon Alley."
     Harry began to question what had happened, occasionally whispering words aloud so that he could try to fit pieces together, as if the situation were one giant unsolvable jigsaw.
     "Well never mind that! I kind of need a wand." Roxy slowly mentioned, trying not to interfere with Harry's train of thought.
       Harry nodded and began to lead Roxy away from the street that they were standing in. Roxy reached out and stroked the startled Phoenix that as perched upon her shoulder.
"Shhhhhh Flare, it's ok." Roxy whispered to the bird. It let out a soft squawk and nuzzled Roxy's cheek with its feathery head. Harry turned around and smiled, as if he was trying to say "yes. Things will be ok!" but something was wrong. His eyes were wide with concern, and as soon as he turned away he continued his half-frown that he had when trying to solve this puzzle earlier.
"Here we are!" Harry said pointing to a shop called Oliver's Wizarding Wands.
     The bell on the door jingled as the two of them walked in. A young man sat behind the desk.
    "Are you Oliver?" Asked Roxy with a hint of curiosity in her voice.
   The man shook his head. "Oliver died recently, I knew him quite well, as I often visited his shop because my wand was constantly in need of repair." He giggled. "Eventually I was taught how to fix it myself. Now I run the shop."
      He extended his hand out and Harry shook it, and then after that Roxy shook his head. "Oh I'm Alex by the way."
     "You probably know who I am but I'm Harry and this," he pointed to Roxy, "is Roxy."
    "Anyway," Alex looked down at Roxy, "sooo you need a wizarding wand?"
     Roxy nodded her head vigorously. Alex spun around in his swirly chair that he was sitting in and pushed himself over to the shelf of wands.
   "Let's see if this works!" He smiled and began to pull wands off of the shelf.

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