Chapter FIVE

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  "Hmmmm" said Alex as he pulled wands off of the shelf. He slammed the pile he had collected down onto the table. "Let's see if any of these work!"
   Alex took out a wand near the bottom of the stack and the entire stack avalanched down onto him. Roxy giggled as he frustratedly stood up. He took his wand out from his back pocket and gave it a flick while muttering something. Suddenly the mess of wands was levitating and organizing itself neatly in a pyramid shape on the counter.
      "Sorry about that." He said as he grabbed the wand box on top. "Here Roxy, hold this."
    He handed Roxy the wand which she had eagerly taken from him. "Can I do magic with this?!?! That is sooo cool!!" exclaimed Roxy as she bounced around. Harry giggled as Alex shook his head while laughing.
      "Roxy, we must know if that wand is good for you first. It's almost like a pet, it might not like you. It has a mind of its own. You will have to test it out first. If that one isn't good," Alex pointed to the stack of boxes on his desk, "there are always more!"
      "So how do I test it?" Roxy said. She peered at the wand quizzically.
    "Well first you hold it like this..." Alex walked over and helped Roxy place her hands on the wand correctly. "Now maybe just a little flick, can you do-"
    The wand began to shoot out fire. Quite startled, Roxy pointed the wand to the ground as a panic response and then- BAM!- the wand let out an explosion that launched Roxy into the air. She shot through the roof and high into the sky. Her screams were filled with both joy and fright and she began to tumble down towards the building.
     Meanwhile Alex leaned over to Harry and whispered "Again?! This is the fourth time this week. I'm tired of fixin the bloody roof." While Harry laughed he looked up to see Roxy plummeting down to the store.
Harry caught Roxy and quickly set her down.
"Do you even realize how terrifying that was?!?!" Roxy muttered. Harry giggled and Alex sighed.
"Here, it looks like phoenix feather core will NOT work. That happens a lot with those, they are starting to go out of style. Sorry Harry, but if your wand breaks I might not have another Phoenix feather." Alex said as he snatched the wand from the top of the pile.
"Trust me, breaking my wand it the LAST thing that will happen, you just wait." Joked Harry.
Alex looked a bit annoyed put laughed anyway. He handed Roxy the wand. "Willow and dragon heartstring. I'm hoping this works! I really don't want to fix more things."
"And I don't want to die by experimenting with wands. I've already seen enough insanity." replied Roxy.
    Flare squawked in agreement from her perch in the corner.
   "Right then! Here take this." Alex said . He tossed the wand at Roxy who barely caught it. "Give it a try, cause why not?!?!!!"
     Roxy rolled her eyes, and then gave the wand a flick. Nothing happened.
   "Maybe it's broken." Said Harry.
   "I don't think so, try a spell. Maybe then it will do something." Said Alex quizzically.
     "I don't think she knows any-" Harry started but he was cut off by Roxy.
   Harry shrugged. "I don't think you can achieve it, it's such a complex and hard spell. But go ahead, I'm not going to stop you."
    "EXPEC-...... What was it again?"
    "Expecto patronum." replied Harry.
    "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!!!!!" Shouted Roxy.
    At first nothing happened, but suddenly a blue mist began to form at the tip of the wand. A wolf sprang from the end of the wand and snarled. It whined and then the mist it was made out of quickly dispersed.
     "OH MY GOSH THATS SO COOL" said Roxy. "Did you see that?!?!"
    Both Harry and Alex stood in shock looking at Roxy.
   "But- but- ok we are going straight to the headmasters office as soon as we get there." Harry replied confused. "But right now you need robes and school supplies. And also, we'll take the wand."
     Roxy fished some coins out of her pocket and set them on the counter. Alex counted the money and then smiled.
    "Thanks! Also my brother teaches at hogwarts, tell him that I said hi." Alex said.
    "Ok then, off to shop for supplies." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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