Chapter 9 - pt. 2

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(Set from when Dan and Aria are at the yards)

~Dan's P.O.V~

"Well, Dan..." Aria said, slowly approaching me.

"I have had a crush on you for.. A LONG time. Do you like me back?" She said. I stayed silent.

"Did you used to?"

I nodded my head.


She kissed me.


I'm trying to get her off of me.


I think I'm going to be sick.

I finally manage to get her off of me.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this!" I ran inside and into the first toilets I see. Quietly, I close the main door and stand Infront of the mirrors.

"What've I done?" I said. I clenched my fists. "I'm so stupid. I don't understand why she'd kiss me."

Suddenly I heard a sob from the furthest cubicle.


I bang on the door as the sobs get louder. "Phil, is that you in there?"

No reply. It wasn't my fault. I never wanted to kiss her.

"Go away, you two faced FREAK!" He said, screaming 'freak'.

"Just give me a chance to explain. Please, Phil. I love y-"

"NO! It's ENOUGH of that now! I can't believe you'd do that to me. Especially when that's the first place we went the other day, together. You know, I loved embracing you. I loved touching you. I loved spending my spare time with you.

But now I feel that's all gone to waste."

"Just open the door Phil, let me explain." I said. I feel like I'm about to gag so I quickly rush to the next cubicle along and lock the door.

I want him to understand it wasn't my fault. I want him to understand that I didn't choose for her to do that.

"I've had enough, Dan. I want you out of my life. I never want to see your face again." He said.

I heard of him coming out his cubicle, grabbing some paper towels and wiping his tears and nose. He slammed the bin shut as he slid his paper towel in there.

In the blink of an eye, he was out of my life.

~A Week After~

It's been a week without Phil.

I've sent multiple texts. I've sent multiple voicemails. I always see him in the halls, walking by himself at school. People still tease and bully him.

I want to help, but I know he won't accept it.

He was the only true friend I had, boyfriend, if you like.

I loved him, I still do.


As I walk into the main entrance at school, I see Phil stood at his locker. Bunch of notes and mocks cover the front of his locked door. His head is held down.

What happened to my little ray of sunshine? Now he's turned into a cloud of tears.

He's now stopped bothering to do his hair. He's stopped bothering with his lessons.

If only I didn't follow Aria that time.

Suddenly, a boy from my Media class shuts the locker door in Phil's face. Phil then lays himself against the next locker along, holding his head in pain.

I had enough of not helping. I wanted him to be safe.

"Hey! Jerk!" I shout, I grab his basketball jersey and he turns around to find me looking down at him.

"How about you stop this?!" I shout. The whole hall falls silent as all eyes lie on me.

"How about you stop this?" Phil said, snatching my shoulder, making me turn around. "Stop the lies, stop the attention, stop following me. Stop pretending like you loved me or that you still do. I know you kissed Aria. I seen it through the window. What happened to that night, in your room? Doesn't that matter to you anymore?"

"Phil, I-"

"No, Dan!" Phil continued stubbornly, "leave me alone. It appears nothing about us matters to you anymore." He slammed his locker shut and ran off.

The whole hall "ouh"s and "fight! Fight!"s while I stand stranded and let the idiot in the jersey go.

If only he'll give me a chance to explain. I want to tell him that I wasn't the one who kissed her. She was the one who kissed me.

I'll never let him go.

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