ch 20--The Call

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 ****EMILY'S P.O.V.******

You know that feeling in your gut,when you feel like you have done something wrong?

Well,I am feeling it right now.I heard that my flight was boarding,but I couldn't move.

Excuse me,I believe your flight is boarding, said a voice sarcastically in my head.

Okay, I think I made a huge mistake. I need to call Lyndsey and tell her to pick me up right now. I reached,in my pocket for my phone, but it wasn't there,nor was it in my purse or suitcase.Yes,my suitcase.

"Excuse me,may I use you phone?" I asked the receptionist.

"Yes,just please dial 9 1st." She replied.

I called my house first, I don't why,it was not like there was even anyone there.Then I called my cell phone,in case I hadn't seen it & it was with me,but to my surprise someone answered.

"Hello," said a very familiar voice,sounded like Kendall.

"Kendall?" I asked.

  "Yes,who's this?"He asked.

"The person who owns the phone your speaking on,"I replied.

  "EMILY!" He shouted,"Guys its her!"

"Ok,1st of all,why do you have my phone?"

"Because we're all at your house."


"Me,the guys,Lyndsey and Nicole."

Did I hear him correctly.

        "What?" I asked. "Just give the phone to Lyndsey."

"Hey,you wanna come home,because you realized you made a mistake." She said,before I could even say hi.

"Yep,how did you know?" I asked.

"Because we're best friends & I'm on my way."

"Ok,but do you even know what airport I am at?"

"Nope, but I know that it's not the local one."

"How?" I asked.

"Me & Kendall came looking for you,but I do know because, I just saw the note you left." She said, and then she might've turned from the speaker,to yell at the guys,because I heard her say," Damn it guys,you didn't see this before."

"Ok,well hurry, bye." I said.

I sat outside on a bench waiting for her and thinking about what she said. I knew she would come looking for me, but I had no idea why Kendall would be so worried.But why was he so worried,all the guys were there,according to him,so what was it that caused him to worry? My mind was saying it was the song,but as much as it seemed to try,my heart didn't agree.

All over again(A Kendall Schmidt fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon