Ch-39 Live Performance

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The live performance was right around the corner & I was freaking out.

"Calm down,you'll be fine,"Lyndsey said.

"Fine?How can you say that?"I asked her, "I'll probably throw up on stage."

"You're making a big deal out of nothing."

Ok,relax I told myself.

I looked over and saw a box labeled Emily's things.

"What's that?"I asked her pointing to the box.

"Oh,Nicole decided to drop your things off when you were at the airport."


"Well,listen,I have to go and remember your gonna kill it tomorrow."

"Wait,WHAT? Tomorrow!!!!"I yelled.

"Yes,now stop yelling.Bye,"she said.

Was this some kind of joke?

I sat down and started to watch tv and sure enough it said BTR w/Emily live performance tomorrow.

Why does this tv hate me? I asked myself.

The next day,I woke up to my phone ringing really loudly,even though it was just a text,saying: you'll do great,from Lyndsey.

I got up and got ready for the day ahead.The day went by so fast,and before I knew it I was on my way to my first ever live performance.When I got there,the guys were busy with fans,so I went into my dressing room.

"It's almost showtime!"Lyndsey yelled walking in.

"I know."

"Ok,look.I'm gonna be on the front row,since I can't be backstage,"she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Who knows,best of luck,"she said and left.

The guys had finished meeting the last bunch of fans & went to go and get ready.I walked out and saw Kendall was talking to someone.He saw me & told me to come over.At first,I nodded no & when he said it again,I just went.There was one more group left,I think.

"It must be so nice,having people who admire you guys this much,"I said.

"It is."

"Ok,last group,"the security guard said.

"Ok,I better go,"I said.

"No,stay,"Kendall said.

Right when that group walked in,I wanted to disappear & Kendall knew it also.They all cracked up when they saw me.

"Hey,look its the shy girl,"said 1 of the popular girls who Nicole left me for.

"Oh my God,it is,"Nicole said,"How'd you get here?"

I was about to leave when Kendall grabbed my hand.

"I'll tell you why she is here,"he said,"she is here,because she has a beautiful voice and personality.Sure she can mad and yell at us sometimes,but at least she can say she yelled at BTR."

I laughed at that.He went on for a while,but I couldn't get over the fact that a famous guy was holding my hand and defending me in front of the popular kids.

"Now,you all need to apologize or I'll call security,"he said.

"Sorry,"they all said and left.

"All right,showtime!"All the guys said.

"Did we miss anything?"James asked.

"Yeah,like did you throw up?"Lyndsey asked.

"No!"I yelled back at her,"go get your seat before someone else does."

"Fine,"she said and left.

"Are you ready?"All the guys asked me.

"Yep,lets kill it."

We performed a song by them called all over again. I was given the part that Carlos and Logan sang and they were given parts elsewhere.

"That was so fun!"I yelled.

I saw Lyndsey backstage and attacked her with a hug.

"AAWW,look at you getting over your stage fright,she said,"we should all go to dinner and celebrate."

We all went to dinner later on.It was just the best night.we'll there was just one little thing I needed to take care of.

"So,same people need a ride?"Lyndsey asked.

"Yep,"they all answered.

"And you two wanna ride solo,again?"She asked.

"Yes,"Kendall answered before I could say anything.

"I can't believe you do that for a living," I said on the way home.

"I know,it is hard to believe my self at times."

"By the way, thanks for sticking up for me and helping me get over my stage fright."

"Don't mention it."

"It really must be nice to have so many people admire and love you,"I said,"I mean did you see how many people there were."

"Yes,but I heart only belongs to one girl,and that is you,"he said approaching a red light.

"Kendall,look there is something I need to tell you,"I said as the light turned green.

"I'm listening."

I couldn't believe I was about to say this,though.

"Wow,you take your time,"he said parking at my house.

"I love you,Kendall,"I said and the look on his face was priceless.

"Is this some kind of joke?"


"Well then,I love you too,Emily,"he said and gave me a kiss. 

--A/N: I know this is one of my longer chapters,but I hope you all enjoyed it.--

All over again(A Kendall Schmidt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now