Detective Conan

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Part One

"Those who do well, respect their chances. Those who pass on chances, may never be presented with that chance again."

"It's just like changes in the notes and passports. You may find it hard to adjust to at the beginning, but you get used to it eventually. Time is very depressing after all... Both happiness and sadness fade away with time.''

"The right thing is... to have faith in life, until you're sure of death. That's what makes a great detective."

"Be as swift as the wind. Be as quiet as the forest. Attack as fiercely as the fire. Be immovable like a mountain. Move like the lightning. Be as impenetrable as a shadow."

"Admiration is admiration. It's the same as viewing flowers from afar. When you get too close - it becomes like Icarus, who lost his wings and plunged into the earth after flying too close to the Sun. Disaster befalls oneself."

- Detective Conan

"Memories of someone who's passed away remains beautiful forever and a person's heart will linger over them, they say."

"They say time and a people's heart are inversely proportional. The more it passes, the more they grow apart. It seems there are some rare exceptions though."

"That's right. Worried about being discovered, living in fear. It's a painful thing"

"It's like an automated vending machine for canned juice. You'll get what you want so long as you have the money, but... You get nothing in return without it. You can't buy your way into the hearts of others."

"I understand your feelings of wanting to bring the bad guy to justice, but do bear with it. It also requires courage to hide oneself."

"Humans can't reverse the flow of time. If you try to twist it against its will... You'll be punished."

"Humans live behind masks."

"People have emotions. A troublesome attribute that's not only invisible, but also changes easily. If it's friendship or love, then that's fine. But if by some trigger it changes to malice and vengeance, then that could bring forth thoughts of murder."

"Don't judge people from the outside. Like any rose has thorns, the more the person appears nice on the outside, the more you should doubt the inside."

"Flowers are fragile and ephemeral... Even if you meant to protect them with a surrounding fence from wind and rain, they would die without sunlight...and a spindly fence has no power against a strong wind. Are you fully aware of that, Kudo-kun?.."

- Ai Haibara

"If you're too lucky, people will get jealous of you."

"In this world, who knows who might kill who."

"Sorry, a trick is nothing but a puzzle mankind came up with. If you use your head, you can uncover the logical answer. It's disappointing. No matter the explanation I think of, I cannot understand why one person would kill another. Even if I can see why, I can't understand why."

"If you let anger and revenge consume you... You'll find yourself unable to behold the beautiful sights right before your eyes."

"People's feelings sometimes go astray and lead to irreversible consequences."

"By looking at what's blocking our way, with an open mind, a wall can be turned into a wide-open door."

"Love is an emotional thing. I will say nothing in praise of it... It is antagonistic to clear reasoning. It's the same in tennis. Love is 0. No matter how many zeroes you add together, you'll just lose miserably."

"Words are like swords. If you use them the wrong way, they can turn into ugly weapons."

"What value does your will have? I asked you what price it carries. If money is enough, is your will for sale? A will that can be bought with money... what's the meaning of that? If your will can be bought with money... then it will vanish along with that money. Am I wrong?"

"Sometimes feelings get tangled together with deductions, forming a veil that hides the truth"

"A detective who corners a culprit with their reasoning and drives them to suicide in front of himself - is no different than a murderer."

"The strong one doesn't win. The one who wins is strong."

"There's no such thing as a perfect person in this world."

"If I told her how I feel, she'd miss me even more. Afterall, I'm the guy who keeps breaking her heart by making her wait an eternity... even though I'm always by her side. I don't wanna see her cry anymore. Even if it means I no longer have a place in her heart. Seems pretty childish of me, doesn't it?"

"Idiot... There's no win or lose in this, no higher or lower... There is always... only ONE truth."

"Is a reason nesessary? I don't know why you would kill someone. But as for saving someone... A logical mind isn't needed, right?"

"A small mistake can make a huge difference."

"The heart of woman whom one likes, how can someone accurately deduce that?"

- Shinichi Kudou


Yes to ConAi

No to ShinShi.

Yes to ShinRan

No to ConRan.


Wierd right??


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