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Combination of Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles

“You really loved Mr. Clow, didn't you? It hurts, doesn't it? It hurts to lose someone you love.”

“*to Yue* I don't want to be your master. I want to be your friend.”

“Living in a world without the feeling for the person you love most is too harsh!”

“Uhh.. Syaoran.. it's okay if you don't have any more feelings for me, that doesn't matter to me at all. But I'm in love with you and I just wanted you to know, that's all.”

“*Holding Syaoran's hand* If I sleep like this, the first person I want to see when I wake up, is Syaoran.”

“Because I wished for everyone to live, I did everything I could.”

- Sakura Kinomoto

“Though we had to part, though we could never be together again. We had no regrets. Even if she returned to her world, married another man and had children with him. If the woman I loved was happy, then I could be happy. And I am. Our hearts had joined and so, even if she lived in a different world, that time, we really were together always, always. I would never let go of this feeling, or my love for her.”

“Even if I lose this feeling, I'm sure that I'll just fall in love with you all over again.”

“No matter how painful it might be... I'll do everything in my might! So please, you too, act according to what you believe in!”

“Because we knew you were waiting, we did our best so that we'd return.”

“If I can protect, I want to protect.”

“I was afraid to lose you... Just like back then...”

“I truly felt from my heart... that no matter how difficult it might be, and no matter how painful things might become, I wanted to prevent Sakura from dying...”

- Syaoran Li

“*to Syaoran* No matter what you are thinking, if you don't say it, you won't be able to express it.”

“Men are complicated!”

“The greatest happiness for me is to let the person I most like have the most happiness.”

- Tomoyo Daidouji

“The world you can see isn't all out there. In the world there are a lot of fascinating things that no living soul has ever seen! And just in knowing that is one cause for happiness. I'm sure you can find happiness meant for you! It might be something you might not quite understand yet. But you'll find it, that much is certain!”

- Fujitaka Kinomoto

“Crying when you need to cry is another way to show strength.”

“Fighting's fine, but losing looks like it'll hurt... so that'd suck.”

“To all the young ones in your group, you are no longer someone who passes through their lives and is forgotten. You have become someone very important to them. Your hardships are their hardships too.”

- Fay D. Flourite

“Don't look back. If you got something to do, then only look forward.”

“*yelling at Fai* You, shut up!! If you want to die that much, I'll kill you myself! But until that day, you're going to live!”

“For all my life... I've wanted strength. I didn't want those things precious to me to be taken away from me anymore. But, to have strength means to invite disaster to come to you. And strength alone can't really protect you.”

- Kurogane

“Readiness and sincerity, qualities that are indispensible in order to accomplish anything. Qualities you are well provided with.”

“But there are no coincidences in this world. There is only Hitsuzen (Fate/Destiny) . You were destined to meet each other.”

- Yuuko Ichihara

Hope you enjoyed!!!


Anime & Manga QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora