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Part Two

"You can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter.'"

- Hollow Ichigo

"I don't remember saying that I would kill you because I'm a Soul Reaper. The reason I am killing you is simple. It's because you aimed your blade at my only pride."

"The curtain that falls at the end...shall be pulled down by the blade of my sword."

"Arrogance destroys the footholds of victory."

"Something as useless as emotions, I never had them to begin with"

"No matter how strong a defense, a stronger offense will always shatter it."

- Kuchiki Byakuya

"I don't believe that an absolute power really exists in any world. Power is unstable. It changes constantly. Small differences will always appear, as one has between you and I. So the one who widens that gap will be the winner!"

- Yasutora Sado

"Remember this well. There are two types of fights. As we have put our lives in battle, we must be able to distinguish between the two.The fight to protect life, and the fight to protect pride."

"If you save Kaien, then what becomes of his pride? If you go to his aid now, his life will be saved. But... at the same time, it would end up killing his pride for all eternity."

"Friends are a good thing, even if they tread a different path."

- Ukitake Jyuushirou

"My smile is nothing more than a pose, I can give it to anyone, anytime, anywhere..."

- Kojima Mizuiro

"Battles aren't supposed to be heroic affairs. They are not supposed to be fun or exciting, to us every battle is filled with despair, they are dark, horrifying, grizzly. We should fear warfare, avoid it always and whenever possible choose the path of peace."

"Warriors aren't supposed to beg for their lives."

- Kira Izuru

"But don't forget... as long as you're in my division, I'm on your side until death and beyond."

"When we die, our bodies disintegrate and become part of the reishi that make up Soul Society. And when that time comes...where does your heart go? It gets passed on to your nakama (comrades). If you pass it on to them, then your heart will always live on within them. Kuchiki, that's must never, ever, ever die alone. Got it, Kuchiki?"

"Every time you and I interact...a bit of "heart" is born between us. Heart isn't something inside you. But whenever you think, whenever you remember someone, that's when heart is born. I mean, if you were the only one alive in the whole world, heart wouldn't exist, now would it?"

"Whenever you fight from this point on, there is one thing you must never do. Which die alone.''

"[dying] Kuchiki, I dragged you into this...I'm sorry. You must've been scared. Thanks, Kuchiki. Thanks to you...I can leave my heart here."

"[possessed by a Hollow] Why do you keep calling my name so? Are you that worried about me? Are you that much in love with me, little girl? If you love me so much...I'll eat you first!"

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