Chapter three...

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Jacob nudged her arm"Be nice!" She rolled her eyes and said as she looked back at her phone "Whatever!"

After that, everything was normal. You're rude boss explained everything, all you did was give pizza to small children and clean tables. Nothing was going wrong. Everything was okay...
Maybe...Just maybe...This job isn't so bad..
Anyways, the day passed quickly. And you finally walked home, it was sunset but you loved walking and looking at the beautiful sky...

Once you made it home, your sister hugged your legs but you're mom said "How was work?" You sighed, "Fine, you should try it someday!" You said, a bit angerily. It isn't fair you get one and she doesn't... But, you ate pizza with Jacob and Bella already, so you didn't need to eat. So you took a shower, brushed your teeth. Changed. Then slept..

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