Chapter four...

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A few weeks of working there. You heard your boss yell, "LENA!" it was rather strange, he didn't yell very much...He actually prefered you over the other workers, weird, right? You walked to him as he lead you into his office. He fixed papers, then looked at you...

"Lena...Our old night guard--Mike. Is quitting...He is going to mentor you...Will you be our new night guard?..." You didn't know what to say! What would your mom say?! Before you could ask, he said, "I asked your mother, she said it's fine...As long as you are okay with it...And I know you're a hard worker...The Pay Check is tripled.." your eyes widen...

Triple?! To watch a dumb place?! You agreed and soon you waited for Mike to come! Soon, he did! He looked at you "You're the poor soul who said yes?..." you thought it was a bit weird how he spoke in monotone, and what he said. But, he's probs just upset! You nodded, then he showed you to the small room to watch the cameras...

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