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It had seemed that François doesn't care where we do it, as long as his hands are on my body. We have done it for quite a number of times, and even when he doesn't show it, he really does put his passion in our alone time together. When I would complain it hurts, either he would not care or he would show it through his words. His affection is one thing I cherish, as I would never know when he would leave me. He has never shown any signs of flight from me, but the worry is still in my heart.

Together with a little of what we did in the bathroom, let's all come together for a little baking lesson with me. This will not be a Martha Stewart show, sadly, but my skills are satisfactory.


Without breaking contact, he pushed me till we were both in the bathtub. His hands brushed against knob for the shower, thus turning it on. His clothes were soon wet, and I did the honours of taking them off. He grabbed the towel around my waist and pulled it away, my body fully exposed to him. Any fabric in between us was thrown away.

Soon his hands were roaming all over my body, and stopped at the forbidden area. "I see that you've gotten excited already." he said, his hands moving a bit. My voice came in mixed with my ragged breaths,"You're no different than me." I lifted one knee to rub at his crotch, at which he let out his own strained moan.

Water started filling in the tub, just as his fingers were both in my mouth and in my entrance. I pulled out François' fingers from my mouth as I said,"The water will get in." "You're too tight for that." he replied. I couldn't help but chuckle,"We'll see about that." He continued his deed, earning more moans from me. I did not hold back my voice. I let it all out, though I was sure Allen would complain of me being too loud. Before long he was in me, his pace just as always, slow to gain whatever sounds I could make, then fast to get to the climax.

He had somehow managed to turn off the shower, so the water stayed at the same level; but it was not stagnant, of course. With him moving against my body some of the water spilled out. I climaxed first, followed by him, inside me. He slowed to a stop before he pulled himself out of me and he stepped out of the tub, dripping wet. I lifted myself up, frustrated by a bit as he did not help me.

I staggered, but I was lucky since I did not slip and fall head first onto the floor. I grabbed my towel from the ground and wrapped it around my waist.

I ran both hands through my hair to push it away from my face, but there were a few stubborn strands. When I walked out of the bathroom I found François cleaning himself up and changing into fresh clothes. I changed my clothes as well to my pyjamas-pink with white polka dots, one of my favourite designs-and slipped into bed. I felt François behind me as he got beneath the blankets, and his arm draped over my waist. Soon he was snoring away, and I fell asleep, dreamless.

The next morning we were in the same position as we had slept, but instead I was facing him. I chose to stay for a little longer to look at his sleeping face, and my hands caressed his cheeks. His eyes slowly opened to meet my own, and he muttered,"Good morning." I smiled the best I could in my sleepy state,"Good morning." I used my arm to support myself as I got up, then went on to change into my usual getup. I looked back and saw that François had fallen asleep again. I giggled and went out.

Allen was, as always, sprawled all over his bed, but nearly half his body was starting to fall off the bed. I knocked on his door loudly, and as I expected he fell onto the floor with a thud. "What the f*ck, man!?" he shouted, a hand soothing the bump that had formed on his head. "Wake up call. Also, one pound in the swear jar." I replied. He was about to retort when I raised a finger to my lips,"I need to focus on my baking, Allen dear." He threw his hands up in the air in frustration, and stood up as he grumbled. Last I saw was him searching through his clothes.

I made my way down the stairs to the bakery, Cupcake following me. I took out one huge lump of flesh from the fridge, and placed it on the counter. I looked through each of my cupboards for all my baking necessities, and had them arranged on the counter together with the flesh I would be using. I don't always use a weighing scale. Years of experience had me estimating how much to use for most of my baking.

I sifted the flour into a large mixing bowl, using my hand to softly hit the side of the sieve. The butter, which I had placed out of the fridge earlier to soften, was then added. I used my fingers until it became crumbly, like bread crumbs! I added the sugar in, mixed a little more, and added an egg. At this point I would add in the flesh. But not directly. I sliced the flesh into smaller cubes, then dropped it all into the blending machine. I made sure the lid was closed completely, and started it. The flesh became more liquid than solid, and it became something like puree. I poured part of the flesh into the mixture, then had it placed on another counter. I wouldn't want that to be wasted, despite the fact I still had a lot more. To make it creamy I added just the right amount of milk. I mixed it around till it was balanced all-round.

I took out a few baking trays and a container filled with paper cupcake cases. I arranged them, then started on putting the mixture into them. Once I was done with several trays filled with the bloody mixture, I placed it in the oven which was preheated earlier to about 200°C. Of course I lowered the temperature before putting in the trays. While it baked, I started on my next batch. This went on till the flesh from the blender was finished.

I would usually bake with a considerable amount of flesh for a day, then around the same amount for the next. This way I would last a long time, but by the time I use the last one, it wouldn't be exactly fresh. But it depends on how many customers I get.

As I let all the batches cool, I started making the icing. I always make different colours, since I do not like my bakery having a dull outlook. I tend to colour based on what I add in. In a few cupcakes I dripped a few drops of my special poison, then decorated it with the icing of a specific colour.

With it all decorated, I brought it to the front for display. I smiled as I went back to the kitchen to make normal cupcakes-without flesh of course. I tend to mix the normal cupcakes with the bloody ones, just so there would be about a 50-50 chance of my customers buying one kind or the other.

I cleaned up the kitchen and washed my hands and went to the front quickly to show that my bakery was open.

Competition is inevitable, but I do believe my cupcakes are one of the best around town. I have been baking for years, after all.

The Chains of Insanity: Oliver Kirkland [2p!Hetalia]Where stories live. Discover now