Author's Note

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Thank you for reading this, and I really appreciate the lovely comments I get in every chapter. Every comment spurred me on to write in such a way I am perhaps Oliver Kirkland himself, but I am merely impersonating him.

I want to thank every single reader who has voted and commented, or else I wouldn't have completed this book.

For the writing of the tenth chapter, it is dedicated to those who has waited for such a scene. I just had to fulfil such a request although I am not one to write such things. I merely want to make my readers satisfied with the words I write.

Now I do recall reading a comment (perhaps a few) that some do not want this story to end. Unfortunately, I have to end this somewhere or it would be extremely hard to keep his personality together.

The good news is, there will be a second book out. It is part of the TCOI collection, and would be 2p!Germany's perspective, otherwise commonly known as Lutz Beilschmidt. It is particularly hard for me to write even the first chapter, since he is mostly seen as Luciano's bodyguard/lover and that is one of my few reliable informations. But not to worry, for I would be putting my efforts in finding relevant headcanons of this charming but mysterious German.

Just search up The Chains of Insanity: Lutz Beilschmidt and you will find it! Just get the spelling right, for those new to the fandom! (it appears that I have lost the cover I have prepared long ago. But I assure you it will be out as soon as I could find back the cover. It is after all my own art.)

After this note, there will be a chapter dedicated to my headcanons of Oliver which is behind each chapter. If you just squint there are hints of headcanons in each chapter, some of them most of you know but I have added bits and pieces into his personality.

Once again, I thank you all.

If you would like, I am always up for a roleplay as any of the 2p characters, since I want to know more of the fandom's opinion of these characters known to be insane and psychotic.

I hope you have enjoyed this book to the very last word.

I'll see you again my dear readers, but as Lutz.

[If you have any questions, you can PM me here or at my other social platforms, which you can find on my bio. Know that I have others but it is confidential since they are more personal and do not exactly relate to Hetalia. If you wish to chat with me on kik, just ask for my username.]

[I know that this entire message sounds extremely formal, but I am still writing as how the British gentleman would speak. In actual life, I sound very much informal unless I am role-playing.]

[Important: For you all to know, since this book is completely English so you guys won't know, that for upcoming stories of the same collection there will be a chapter complete with translations. This is merely a small warning because the translations will only be published after the entire story is complete.]

The Chains of Insanity: Oliver Kirkland [2p!Hetalia]Where stories live. Discover now