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Lucy walks out of the guild, and feels the chilly air aganist her skin. Immediately she wished she had worn her fluffy white jacket that was hanging in the front of her closet. She looked around hoping to see Natsu near by, but of course by now he would've walked pretty far. She wandered around for a couple minutes until she finally spotted the pink hair dragon slayer.

"Natsu!" Lucy called out. Upon hearing his name, Natsu turns around and sees Lucy running up to him.

"Hey," Natsu replies unenthusastically "What are you doing here?"

"Umm..." Lucy hasn't really thought about what she'd say when she does talk to Natsu and now her brain had failed on her. Great. Natsu was looking at her expectantly, waiting for what she has to say.

"Umm, well I just wanted to ask how are you?

"I'm fine."

"No, not how are you, more like what's bothering you?"

"Umm, nothing much."

"Don't say 'nothing much' I can tell something's on your mind! You haven't been acting like yourself lately!"

Natsu stares at her dumbfound, "No really. I'm fine," he says as he starts to walk away.

"Natsu wait!" Lucy calls as she reaches for him. She stares at him shocked as the bandages on his arm comes off, revealing the dark mark underneath.

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