✿ One ✿

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I got off work tonight and went straight home. Mat told me not to dilly dally or talk to anyone else. I loved him so I did it. Today, since it was our second year anniversary, I brought him a pink rose from the flower shop I work at. He hasn't mentioned anything to me along the lines of "happy anniversary Rob!" or "I love you," yet, but there was still time left in the day. I had hope.

When I got home, I knocked on the door three times, like instructed to by him. I heard footsteps and the door opened up. I smiled at him.

"Hello, happy anniversary Mat!" I held out the rose to him and watched as his face crumpled in confusion and then turned into a weary smile as he took the rose being given to him.

"You too, baby," He said after awhile, moving to let me into the house.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked, still with a slight smile plastered on my face. "I was thinking maybe we could order in and eat on the couch cuddled up like we used–"

"No," He cut me off. I felt like my hope had deflated like an untied balloon. "I'm having friends over. Maybe another night. Did you sweep the house today? If not, go do it now, baby."

"Okay," I whispered sadly, moving to the closet where the broom was located.

"You know it's because I love you, right?"

"Yes!" I felt sort of lighter after he said that. Of course it was because he loved me. Why else?

And so I got to work sweeping and cleaning up the kitchen. When Mat's friends knocked on the door, I was asked to go to our room and go to sleep. I nodded and made my way to the bedroom. I shut the door behind me when I got in.

Sitting on the bed, I let out a sigh. Today was a long day and falling asleep meant I had to wake up and do it all again tomorrow. I pulled out my phone and checked for messages.


I checked the time and saw 7:45PM.

Time for bed.

Waking up, the bed was empty and cold. Mat didn't sleep in our room. He probably passed out on the couch again. I threw the covers to the side and slid my legs off the bed to sit up. I looked at the alarm clock sitting on the bedside table. On his side.


I yawned tiredly, stretching my arms in the air and preparing to get out of for the day. It was honestly way too early and I didn't have to be at work until eight, but I needed to clean the house up after Mat's night with the boys. But first, a cup of coffee would go down nicely. I took a last look around to room to make sure I didn't need anything out of it before I forced myself up and out. The rest of the house smelled of beer. Getting into the living room, I saw Mat draped on the couch with his face hanging off. I stifled a laugh and surveyed the damage. Mostly just beer cans around.

I decided against waking Mat to move him to our room to sleep more. He was probably hungover and would not be happy to be woken up at this early hour.

I began cleaning, starting with the cans and then moving to the spilled liquor and then did more cleaning around the house which brought me to 7:27. I still needed to get dressed and do the other morning routines. Mat was still asleep. I got dressed in a pair of green joggers and a white t-shirt, an outfit I wore variations of mostly everyday.

I took out a pen from a drawer in the kitchen as well asa pad of paper to write a note for my boyfriend.

went to work xx love you!! tylenol and water is on the table for you. see you at 6!

I grabbed a glass of water and the tylenol, placing it on the table and sticking the note on the cupboard.


I took my uniform (a small apron with daisies painted on) and my wallet before walking to the door. With one last look, I walked out the door, making sure it locked behind me.

The weather was crisp. Perfect weather for everything. The sun was low in the sky giving pink hues to the usual blue stretch of beauty. Few clouds drifted and the wind was a gentle breeze. I smiled. I was glad it was so pretty outside. A refreshing thing to see.

I began my walk to the shop, letting the scenes of the city soak in. I looked at the people who drove by, wondering if I was still any good at driving. I had my license, so I couldn't be that bad.

Soon, anyway, my feet brought me in front of a small store with blue and white flowers displayed in the large windows. I smiled, opening the door. A bell jingled over my head notifying everyone I was here. My boss, Brayden, walked out from the back of the store to greet me.

"Hey Rob!"

"Hello," I blushed shyly, waving at him.

"I like your outfit, green looks really great on you," He complimented. My face turned darker red and I babbled gratitude. He laughed and I was worried it was a mean laugh.

"C'mon Rob, we got new shipments of flowers. Can you please help me bring them in from the back?"

"Yes, of course!" I smiled, settling back into a more comfortable environment. Every time I walk in he makes me feel so flustered. I thought he hated me at first, but I guess not. I hardly passed any time at the interview before he laughed and hired me. It was kind of bizarre and I was baffled at his reaction.

To put it lightly, I loved working here so much. It was amazing.

Soon enough, all the new flowers were in their respective places and I was sitting behind the front desk, playing with a piece of string and waiting for a customer. We had just opened.

The bell of the door opening went off and I glanced up. A boy walked in. A boy with brown hair and pretty eyes.

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