A Note for the Bad Days

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hello, i'm sorry this isn't an update, but there's one on the way. (this is pretty much me getting shit off my chest because i feel so much gratitude and love for you that it pains me when you guys have days where smiles seem impossible)
this is about you guys. this is about your smile, your lovely laugh, your inspirational strength, and so much more.

this is a note for those bad days where everything seems cloudy. when dark skies are all that you can see. because the truth is, everyone has bad days. not every day can be positive and amazing, but it's what you make of the bad days that count.

here's the deal fam: i love you so much. everyday you make it through, i'm so proud of you. when you open your eyes in the morning and get out of bed, that's something to be proud of. the world is a tough place and the fact that you face it everyday is incredibly amazing. thank you for that.

your hair today? it looked to good. your smile was so bright and contagious. your laugh was the sound of bells in winter. beautiful. your eyes reflected the beauty of a supernova. your sense of humour was on point. your generosity was something that words can't describe. you were on top today.

someone told me that complaining never helps, but sharing does.
and goodness please share. share your ideas, your thoughts, your opinions, everything because damn it they're so incredible and worth listening to. share them with me. share them with a family member. a friend. the internet. and embrace yourself. embrace your glory– please do not forget that you are so unique and special and beautiful. fuck you're a beautiful human being.

i love you so much. you can get through this bad day. i believe in you. i am here for you.

you can make it. you may feel the world collapse at your feet, but it will rebuild itself. when you've gotten through the worst, it only gets better honey bee and please oh please: stay until then. stay until you see the blue skies.

with love and thanks,

ps, here is my advice for the bad days :

1. you are allowed to be sad. you are allowed to cry. yes. but please don't let that take over your day. (also, believe me when i say that i know that depression is a real thing and it really is bad. take a breather when you wake up on a particularly bad morning and find a cause to get out of bed.)

2. accept that the bad day is going to happen.

3. do things for yourself. you're a really kind and amazing person and you deserve so much in this world. xo. sleep in for five more minutes. have that cup of chocolate milk. stay up later or go to sleep earlier. listen to that music a notch higher than normal. buy yourself that coffee. you deserve it.

4. tell someone. they either might cheer you up or take it easy on you or the worst case: not act any different. like there are people out there who are willing to make those bad days just a little bit better any way they can. hell, my inbox is always open. i can send memes and jokes and share videos or pictures or stories or love – anything.

5. don't let it stress you out. yes, that's right. bad days can maybe be stressful. but just take a break. rome wasn't built in a day. you aren't going to end the world if you take a break or take it easy.

6. shit just listen to upbeat music. read fluffy books/stories. watch comedies.

please don't drown yourself in gloomy music and tragic movies/books/etc. for the most part, that doesn't improve your mood (unless it does for you, dO WHATEVER MAKES YOU COMFORTABLE AND CONTENT)

i love you. you, my dear, are one phenomenal being.

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