Chapter 4

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I woke up from being tired of being asleep. It has to be at least 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I had woken up earlier, but forced myself to go back to sleep. I looked at the time on my phone 4:46. Shit. I didn't realize that I slept that long. I don't have anything to do, but it's not cute to be sleep all day like this. I hopped out of the bed and grabbed all of the things that I would need to take a shower and get myself together.

Once in the bathroom, I took a long shower letting the steaming hot water rinse my worries away. My body relaxes as the hot water cascades down me on to the shower floor. I clear my head, releasing any negative thoughts, feelings, or memories . I began to wash myself getting all of the filth of the world off of my body so that I could start my day fresh. Once I felt like I was clean enough mentally and physically, I got out the shower and took care of the rest of my hygiene routine. After washing the last suds of my facial wash off of my face, I wrap my towel around my body and head back into my room humming H2O by Tink in my head.

Reaching my room, I go inside and drop my towel. I make my way to the drawer holding my undergarments, and I could hear all of my family downstairs laughing and playing. I smile to myself and put on my matching black underwear set. I decided to lounge around for the remainder of the day so as far as an outfit, I put on a pair of spandex shorts and a tank top.

As I made my way down the stairs, my stomach growled signaling that I needed to eat. I walked in the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator. I stared at the shelves unsatisfied. There was food in there, but nothing that I wanted to eat. I decided to just make some grits, eggs, and sausage, and call it a day. I started making the grits when my mom walked in the kitchen.

"Hey mama." I greeted making my way over to her giving her a hug.

"Hey baby, what are you in here burning ?" She asked scrunching up her face.

"Ma nothings even cooking yet, you know I can cook."

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever little girl. I need you to do me a favor though."

"What is it?" I asked turning on the stove.

" Run to the store and get some cornbread, macaroni, and a fresh pack of greens for tomorrow's dinner." She asked sympathetically.

"Why can't nobody else do it ? I don't have a problem doing it, I'm just asking."

"You know how they are Mia, I have to go to work in about an hour and I want to relax before I go." She whined causing me to chuckle.

"Alright mama I'll do it when I'm done eating.Go ahead and relax."

"Thanks baby."

"No problem."

My mom hardly asks us to do anything, so when she says that she is tired, then she is tired. I don't understand why the rest of my siblings act like it's such a big deal when she asks them to do anything. They should be more than willing to do anything for her after all that she does for us. I understand that Michael works as hard, if not harder than momma so they like to relax when they have free time so I don't blame them. I finished cooking and quickly scarfed down the meal so that I could hurry up and get back home.

I just walked to the kitchen and grabbed my phone and keys. I made my way to the front door and slid on a pair of Faith's Roshes and went outside to my car and got in. As I started my car, I noticed that Brandon was calling me

"Wassup?" I asked as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Mi watchu doin' on Saturday?"

"I don't have anything planned, why?

"After our game, some of the team is going out to eat. I was just seein if you wanted to come. I'm gone bring Tia ,but I don't want her to be the only girl there." He said.

"I'll be there. It's a home game? " I said as I reached a red light.

"Thanks man, and yeah. You slidin through?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll be there"

"Alright that's wassup, I'll talk to you later. Tia just got here and you know what that means" He stated causing me to chuckle.

"Use protection please. Bye fool." I said pulling up in the walmart parking lot.

"Alright." I threw my phone on the passenger seat, while looking for a parking space. I found a spot near the front of the store, got out and made my way to the entrance. I need to get to get cornbread, greens, and macaroni. I found what I needed and went to the candy aisle to find some snacks to keep in my room .

I was trying to reach the twizzlers, but someone thought that it would be funny to put them all the way on the top shelf. I climbed on top of the bottom shelf and grabbed them. When I jumped back down, I bumped into someone.

"My bad, I was going to grab em for you." The guy said.

"Thank you, but I got it." I said and continued to look for some more snacks.

"My name is Justin." He said even though I'm more than certain that I didn't ask.

"Oh." Was all that I said while I continued looking for my stuff in peace.

"You mind telling me yours?"

"Yeah I do, If you don't mind can I go back to what I was doing without being disturbed?" I don't know what he thought this was. I don't have time to be playing games and being all friendly.

"My bad ma." He replied. I simply sighed and continued getting my candy. I wasn't trying to be mean, but after last night, I just wasn't in the mood for anybodies foolishness.

Short, sweet, and to the point. Just wanted to produce an update. This is long over due, but here you go. Next update should be really soon. I highly suggest that you read from the beginning due to me deleting characters and all of that.

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