Chapter 2

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"You just went through it all didn't you?" My of my close friends, Nia , questioned as I explained what happened last night.

I was sitting at my regular lunch table with my friends Nia and Brandon, Brandon's girlfriend Tia, and his friends Mathew & Justin. I was pretty popular, but I've never been one to be extra and do stuff for attention. To be honest, I'd rather chill and stick with my close group of friends.

" It was crazy. I can't wait till graduation so I can get out of here." I replied

"Did you get his number?" leave it to Nia to ask something dumb that. She is pretty brown skinned girls with shoulder length black hair and and an average body. .

I gave her the straightest face ever and said, " yeah Nia, I stopped him and said 'I know that you breaking into my house and all but would you mind giving me your number, so I can hit you up after you're done?' " Sarcasm was oozing from each word.

"My bad, damn. But that doesn't change the fact that you need a boyfriend."

"I don't need a boyfriend. I don't even want one."

She playfully rolled her eyes and began to type on her phone. Brandon and Tia were at the end of the table indulged in a conversation. And Mathew and Justin were up flirting with some random girls. I swear I can't catch a break. A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. I turned around and it was Mitchell. I was surprised to see him standing there. How did he even get in here? Does he go here? I've never seen him before. For a while I thought that my mind was playing tricks on me, but he started waving his hand in front of my face. His presence made me kind of nervous.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

I just stared at him. I felt bad again, he was on crutches and I knew that it was all my fault. If only I would have just let him take the stupid TV which is no use to us anymore anyways. I was skeptical about going somewhere with him though because he could be trying to get me alone just to kill me to get revenge. I may sound dramatic, but you never know around here, folks kill over the pettiest things.

I gave his request some more thought. I mean he is on a crutch so what could he possibly do? We have metal detectors at our school so he couldn't have a weapon. I finally gave in and stood up. He just started walking, I guess that meant that he wanted me to follow him, so I did. My mind began to wonder as I followed him. I was thinking about where he was taking me, and I also wondered why I was even following him in the first place. My mind was telling me to turn around and go back to the cafeteria, but my gut told me to just follow him. After walking for a while, I was relieved when we ended up in the hall way near my locker. I was surprised to see that no one else was out here. Once we stopped, we just stared at each other as if we were both waiting on the other to speak.

After a while of staring, he finally opened his mouth to speak. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything. I don't know what I was thinking."

I just stood there silent.

"I know that you probably don't want to talk to me, but I just really wanted to apologize. And I want to thank you."

That caught me off guard. Why would he thank me. I'm part of the reason why he is disabled.

"I wanted to thank you for trying to help me and for trying to keep me alive. I really appreciate it ma." He said, I guess he took notice to the look of confusion on my face.

I guess he doesn't have any hard feelings, so I can finally stop beating myself up about it. But for some reason the words can't seem to escape my mouth. I just stood there and I looked down at his leg and wondered how he got out the hospital so quickly if he was just shot.

" I'm okay, the bullet just grazed my leg. I lost a lot of blood but nothing too serious." He said, I must've been staring.

"How did you get out the hospital so soon?" I asked satisfied that my thoughts had finally become verbalized.

"I demanded that they let me go. I hate hospitals, don't remind me of nothing but death and germs." His statements was rewarded with a small giggle .

" I forgive you. "

This time he was speechless. He simply nodded his head. I was not about to stand here and waste time, so I turned around and headed to lunch. His eyes were burning a hole in my back. I turned around to look at him, and he was staring at me, but he quickly put his head down.

I returned to my lunch table and Tia, Mia, and Nimiah's eyes were burning a hole into my soul. Brandon looked agitated. I wonder what happened to him.

"Soooooo!" exclaimed Tia.

"What?" I said nonchalantly.

"Who was that?--"

" And what was yaw doing?" Said Nia finishing Tia's interrogation.

" it was the guy from last night, but he just apologized."

"I didn't know that you were talking about that Mitchell! He is so fine, just got here about a month ago from Minnesota or Montana or something like that. "

"Wait... so he couldn't have just said that while you were at the table?" Brandon asked ignoring Nia's rant. I shrugged.

"I don't know I guess it would've been awkward."

"I've never heard of anyone apologizing for breaking into somebody house." He said.

"Well now you have." I replied getting irritated with him.

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